花村 昌樹 のホームページ (Home page of Masaki HANAMURA)
(980-8578 仙台市青葉区荒巻字青葉 東北大学大学院理学研究科数学専攻 花村 昌樹)
Mixed motives and algebraic cycles II
Relative Chow-K\"unneth projectors for modular varieties
Chow-K\"unneth projectors for modular varieties
Absolute Chow-K\"unneth projectors for modular varieties
Polylogarithms and mixed motives
Motivic sheaves and intersection cohomology
Motivic decomposition and intersection Chow groups, II
Cycle theory of relative correspondences
Quasi DG categories and mixed motivic sheaves
Chow cohomology groups of algebraic surfaces
Relative algebraic correspondences and mixed motivic sheaves
Borel-Moore homology and cap products,
Homological Hodge complexes, I
Homological Hodge complexes, II
Homological Hodge complexes, III