List by Research Field

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Tohoku University Researcher Information


Masaki HANAMURA Professor Algebraic Geometry
Maki NAKASUJI Professor (c) Analytic number theory, Representation theory
Yasuo OHNO Professor Number Theory
Nobuo TSUZUKI Professor Arithmetic geometry, Number theory
Isamu IWANARI Assoc. Prof. Algebraic Geometry
Yoshinori MISHIBA Assoc. Prof. Number Theory
Takuya YAMAUCHI Assoc. Prof. Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry,Automorphic representation
Kazuhiro ITO Asst. Prof. Arithmetic geometry, Algebraic geometry
Wataru KAI Asst. Prof. Algebraic Geometry


Jun MASAMUNE Professor Global Analysis
Shin-ichi MATSUMURA Professor Complex geometry
Takashi SHIOYA Professor Metric Geometry, Riemannian Geometry, and Geometric Analysis
Yuji TERASHIMA Professor Topology, Mathematical Physics
Tsukasa IWABUCHI Assoc. Prof. Real Analysis, Partial Differential Equations
Masato MIMURA Assoc. Prof. Geometric Group Theory
Takumi YOKOTA Assoc. Prof. Riemannian Geometry
Airi ASO Asst. Prof. Knot Theory
Tsukasa ISHIBASHI Asst. Prof. Topology, Cluster algebra


Fumihiko NAKANO Professor Mathematical Physics, Probability theory
Hiroyuki TAKAMURA Professor Nonlinear Evolution Equation
Satoshi TANAKA Professor Boundary Value Problems, Nonlinear Differential Equations, Nonlinear Analysis
Yoshihiro ABE Assoc. Prof. Probability theory
Yohji AKAMA Assoc. Prof. Computer Mathematics (Tiling. Algorithmic and Statistical Learning Theory)
Kentaro FUJIE Assoc. Prof. Partial Differential Equations
Takiko SASAKI Assoc. Prof. (c) Partial differential equations
Lorenzo CAVALLINA Asst. Prof. Partial differential equations, shape optimization problems

Manifold Theory

Kiyoshi TAKEUCHI Professor Algebraic analysis, Singularity theory
Tatsuya TATE Professor Geometric analysis
Kazuhiko YAMAKI Professor Algebraic geometry, Nonarchimedean geometry, Arakelov geometry
Koji HASEGAWA Assoc. Prof. Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics
Shinya OKABE Assoc. Prof. Nonlinear analysis, Variational method
Ryosuke TAKAHASHI Assoc. Prof. Complex Geometry, Geometric Analysis, Algebraic Geometry
Gen KUROKI Asst. Prof. Representation Theory, and Mathematical Physics

Applied Mathematics

Goro AKAGI Professor Evolution Equation, Functional Analysis
Yuu HARIYA Professor Stochastic Processes
Kimie NAKASHIMA Professor (c) Nonlinear Differential Equations
Keita YOKOYAMA Professor Logic and Foundations of Mathematics
Norisuke IOKU Assoc. Prof. Partial Differential Equations, Functional inequalities
Takeshi YAMAZAKI Assoc. Prof. Logic and Foundations of Mathematics

Integrative Applied Analysis and Computation

Hiroyasu ANDO Professor
Mathematical Engineering
Hayato CHIBA Professor
Dynamical Systems Theory
Motoko KOTANI Professor
Differential Geometry, and Global Analysis
Hiroshi SUITO Professor
Mathematical science for Clinical Medicine

Concurrent position/ Graduate teaching

Shunsuke KANO Asst. Prof.
Topology, Cluster Algebras
Masaki OGAWA Asst. Prof.
Low-dimensional topology

"(c)" is for Cross Appointment.

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