Kiyoshi TAKEUCHI【竹内 潔】, Professor

Research Field

Algebraic analysis, Singularity theory

Research Interests

 My original subject is algebraic analysis. Along with its rapid development in the last two decades, the theories of D-modules and microlocal analysis of sheaves initiated in it have been applied to various research fields in mathematics, such as algebraic geometry, representation theory, singularity theory, topology and number theory.
 Among other things, I applied them to topological Radon transforms, A-discriminant varieties, monodromies and bifurcation sets of polynomial maps, Lefschetz fixed point theorems, motivic Milnor fibers and A-hypergeometric D-modules etc. Recently, coming back to the original motivation, I also study the irregular Riemann-Hilbert correspondence and Fourier transforms of D-modules.


Personal Web Page  
Laboratory Mathematics Building 510
E-mail kiyoshi.takeuchi.b1[at]

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