Tohoku Mathematical Journal
Second Series
Contents of Volumes and Abstracts

March June September December
2024 Vol. 76, No. 1 Vol. 76, No. 2 Vol. 76, No. 3 Vol. 76, No. 4
2023 Vol. 75, No. 1 Vol. 75, No. 2 Vol. 75, No. 3 Vol. 75, No. 4
2022 Vol. 74, No. 1 Vol. 74, No. 2 Vol. 74, No. 3 Vol. 74, No. 4
2021 Vol. 73, No. 1 Vol. 73, No. 2 Vol. 73, No. 3 Vol. 73, No. 4
2020 Vol. 72, No. 1 Vol. 72, No. 2 Vol. 72, No. 3 Vol. 72, No. 4
2019 Vol. 71, No. 1 Vol. 71, No. 2 Vol. 71, No. 3 Vol. 71, No. 4
2018 Vol. 70, No. 1 Vol. 70, No. 2 Vol. 70, No. 3 Vol. 70, No. 4
2017 Vol. 69, No. 1 Vol. 69, No. 2 Vol. 69, No. 3 Vol. 69, No. 4
2016 Vol. 68, No. 1 Vol. 68, No. 2 Vol. 68, No. 3 Vol. 68, No. 4
2015 Vol. 67, No. 1 Vol. 67, No. 2 Vol. 67, No. 3 Vol. 67, No. 4
2014 Vol. 66, No. 1 Vol. 66, No. 2 Vol. 66, No. 3 Vol. 66, No. 4
2013 Vol. 65, No. 1 Vol. 65, No. 2 Vol. 65, No. 3 Vol. 65, No. 4
2012 Vol. 64, No. 1 Vol. 64, No. 2 Vol. 64, No. 3 Vol. 64, No. 4
2011 Vol. 63, No. 1 Vol. 63, No. 2 Vol. 63, No. 3 Vol. 63, No. 4
2010 Vol. 62, No. 1 Vol. 62, No. 2 Vol. 62, No. 3 Vol. 62, No. 4
2009 Vol. 61, No. 1 Vol. 61, No. 2 Vol. 61, No. 3 Vol. 61, No. 4
2008 Vol. 60, No. 1 Vol. 60, No. 2 Vol. 60, No. 3 Vol. 60, No. 4
2007 Vol. 59, No. 1 Vol. 59, No. 2 Vol. 59, No. 3 Vol. 59, No. 4
2006 Vol. 58, No. 1 Vol. 58, No. 2 Vol. 58, No. 3 Vol. 58, No. 4
2005 Vol. 57, No. 1 Vol. 57, No. 2 Vol. 57, No. 3 Vol. 57, No. 4
2004 Vol. 56, No. 1 Vol. 56, No. 2 Vol. 56, No. 3 Vol. 56, No. 4
2003 Vol. 55, No. 1 Vol. 55, No. 2 Vol. 55, No. 3 Vol. 55, No. 4
2002 Vol. 54, No. 1 Vol. 54, No. 2 Vol. 54, No. 3 Vol. 54, No. 4
2001 Vol. 53, No. 1 Vol. 53, No. 2 Vol. 53, No. 3 Vol. 53, No. 4
2000 Vol. 52, No. 1 Vol. 52, No. 2 Vol. 52, No. 3 Vol. 52, No. 4

Last update on 2024/12/09

Electronic edition of Tohoku Mathematical Journal is available at the web site of Project Euclid.

*Table of Contents before Vol. 51 (1999) can be found in the Special Issue of Vol. 57, Supplement, 2005.

  Vol. 76, No. 4 (December 2024)

Peiduo Wang:
On generalized Fuchs theorem over $p$-adic polyannuli,
483-520. [Abstract]

Hideto Nakashima:
Decomposition of gamma matrices of local zeta functions associated with homogeneous cones,
521-540. [Abstract]

Tetsuya Abe and Keiji Tagami:
A generalization of the slice-ribbon conjecture for two-bridge knots and $t_n$-move,
541-560. [Abstract]

Cong Hung Mai:
A rigidity result of spectral gap on Finsler manifolds and its application,
561-575. [Abstract]

Songzi Li and Xiang-Dong Li:
On the Shannon entropy power on Riemannian manifolds and Ricci flow,
577-608. [Abstract]

Shijie Dong:
Stability of a wave and Klein-Gordon system with mixed coupling,
609-628. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 76, No. 3 (September 2024)

Diego Conti, Viviana del Barco and Federico A. Rossi:
Uniqueness of ad-invariant metrics,
317-359. [Abstract]

Masanobu Kaneko and Hirofumi Tsumura:
Multiple $L$-values of level four, poly-Euler numbers, and related zeta functions,
361-389. [Abstract]

Tomoki Fujii:
Graphical translating solitons for the mean curvature flow and isoparametric functions,
391-410. [Abstract]

Fereshteh Malek and Rezvan Hojati:
Quasi contact metric manifolds satisfying a nullity condition,
411-421. [Abstract]

Hiroshi Goda and Takayuki Morifuji:
A volume presentation of a fibered knot,
423-443. [Abstract]

Takuya Asayama and Maozhou Huang:
Ramification of Tate modules for rank 2 Drinfeld modules,
445-481. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 76, No. 2 (June 2024)

Yanqi Qiu and Zipeng Wang:
Branching-Toeplitz operators on rooted homogeneous trees and authored,
153-174. [Abstract]

Tülin Altunöz, Mehmetcik Pamuk and Oğuz Yildiz:
The twist subgroup is generated by two elements,
175-197. [Abstract]

Masatomo Takahashi:
On geodesics of framed surfaces in the Euclidean 3-space,
199-215. [Abstract]

Xiaohuan Mo and Hongzhen Zhang:
Finsler warped product metrics of quadratic Weyl curvature,
217-227. [Abstract]

Ryoma Kobayashi and Genki Omori:
An infinite presentation for the twist subgroup of the mapping class group of a compact non-orientable surface,
229-253. [Abstract]

Vicente Cortés and Kazuyuki Hasegawa:
The H/Q-correspondence and a generalization of the supergravity c-map,
255-292. [Abstract]

Jerzy Kalina, Wojciech Kozłowski and Antoni Pierzchalski:
On the Geometry of a pair of foliations and a conformal invariant,
293-315. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 76, No. 1 (March 2024)

Antonio Bove:
Analytic and Gevrey regularity for certain sums of two squares in two variables,
1-85. [Abstract]

Antonio Bueno and Irene Ortiz:
Rotational surfaces of prescribed Gauss curvature in $\mathbb{R}^3$,
87-103. [Abstract]

Liviu Ornea and Misha Verbitsky:
Lee classes on LCK manifolds with potential,
105-125. [Abstract]

Yasuhiro Nakagawa and Satoshi Nakamura:
Multiplier Hermitian-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds of KSM-type,
127-152. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 75, No. 4 (December 2023)

James Eldred Pascoe:
Invariant structure preserving functions and an Oka-Weil Kaplansky density type theorem,
465-482. [Abstract]

Mattia Magnabosco and Chiara Rigoni:
Optimal maps and local-to-global property in negative dimensional spaces with Ricci curvature bounded from below,
483-507. [Abstract]

Keomkyo Seo and Gabjin Yun:
Weighted $L^2$ harmonic 1-forms and the topology at infinity of complete noncompact weighted manifolds,
509-526. [Abstract]

Domenico Perrone:
On the Blair's conjecture for contact metric three-manifolds,
527-532. [Abstract]

Wenfei Fan, Yong Jiao and Lian Wu:
Martingale Hardy-Lorentz spaces -- a unified approach,
533-560. [Abstract]

Gilles Carron, Jørgen Olsen Lye and Boris Vertman:
Convergence of the Yamabe flow on singular spaces with positive Yamabe constant,
561-615. [Abstract]

Naoki Matsui:
Erratum by editorial office: Minimal mass blow-up solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with a potential (Tohoku Math. J. 75 (2023), 215--232),
617-617. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 75, No. 3 (September 2023)

Yutian Lei, Yayun Li and Ting Tang:
Critical conditions and asymptotics for discrete systems of the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev type,
305-328. [Abstract]

David Burns and Alexandre Daoud:
Adelic Euler systems for $\mathbb{G}_m$,
329-346. [Abstract]

Ya Gao and Jing Mao:
An anisotropic inverse mean curvature flow for spacelike graphic hypersurfaces with boundary in Lorentz-Minkowski space ${\mathbb R}^{n+1}_1$,
347-364. [Abstract]

Alex Paulo Francisco:
Geometric deformations of curves in the Minkowski plane,
365-394. [Abstract]

Alex Degtyarev:
Conics in Kummer quartics,
395-421. [Abstract]

Michiya Mori:
On regular $^*$-algebras of bounded linear operators: A new approach towards a theory of noncommutative Boolean algebras,
423-463. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 75, No. 2 (June 2023)

Sohei Ashida:
Structures of sets of solutions to the Hartree-Fock equation,
143-159. [Abstract]

Adam Osękowski:
$BLO$ class under the change of measure,
161-173. [Abstract]

Javier Fresán, Claude Sabbah and Jeng-Daw Yu:
Quadratic relations between periods of connections,
175-213. [Abstract]

Naoki Matsui:
Minimal mass blow-up solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with a potential,
215-232. [Abstract]

Goo Ishikawa:
Singularities of parallels to tangent developable surfaces,
233-249. [Abstract]

Jinhyun Park:
On localization for cubical higher Chow groups,
251-281. [Abstract]

Mehran Gabrani, Esra Sengelen Sevim and Zhongmin Shen:
On a class of Finsler metrics of quadratic Weyl curvature,
283-298. [Abstract]

Naoto Yotsutani and Bin Zhou:
Corrigenda: Relative algebro-geometric stabilities of toric manifolds (Tohoku Math. J. 71 (2019), 495--524),
299-303. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 75, No. 1 (March 2023)

Shoichi Fujimori and Shin Kaneda:
Higher genus nonorientable maximal surfaces in the Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space,
1-14. [Abstract]

Kazuko Kato:
Construction de la fonction holomorphe et bornée dans un domaine d'holomorphie de $\mathbb{C}^2$,
15-37. [Abstract]

Niels Feld:
Transfers on Milnor-Witt K-theory,
39-56. [Abstract]

Ping He and Jiangang Ying:
Irreducibility and uniqueness of symmetric measure for Markov processes,
57-66. [Abstract]

Tsukasa Iwabuchi:
The Leibniz rule for the Dirichlet and the Neumann Laplacian,
67-88. [Abstract]

Yuji Kondo and Hiroshi Tamaru:
A classification of left-invariant Lorentzian metrics on some nilpotent Lie groups,
89-117. [Abstract]

Yu Kitabeppu and Erina Matsumoto:
Cheng's maximal diameter theorem for hypergraphs,
119-130. [Abstract]

Atsufumi Honda, Kosuke Naokawa, Kentaro Saji, Masaaki Umehara and Kotaro Yamada:
Symmetries of cross caps,
131-141. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 74, No. 4 (December 2022)

Andreas Hohl and Konstantin Jakob:
Stokes matrices for Airy equations,
501-520. [Abstract]

Yuichiro Hoshi:
Ramification of torsion points on a curve with superspecial reduction over an absolutely unramified base,
521-534. [Abstract]

Liliya A. Grunwald, Young Soo Kwon and Ilya Mednykh:
Counting rooted spanning forests for circulant foliation over a graph,
535-548. [Abstract]

Masatoshi Suzuki:
An inverse problem for a class of lacunary canonical systems with diagonal Hamiltonian,
549-568. [Abstract]

Damir Kinzebulatov and Yuliy A. Semënov:
Kolmogorov operator with the vector field in Nash class,
569-596. [Abstract]

Kunio Hidano, Kazuyoshi Yokoyama and Dongbing Zha:
Global existence for a system of multiple-speed wave equations violating the null condition,
597-626. [Abstract]

Ningwei Cui and Linfeng Zhou:
The variation of a functional on the Riemannian submanifolds and its applications,
627-656. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 74, No. 3 (September 2022)

James J. Hebda and Yutaka Ikeda:
Necessary and sufficient conditions for a triangle comparison theorem,
329-364. [Abstract]

Raúl Oset Sinha and Kentaro Saji:
The axial curvature for corank 1 singular surfaces,
365-388. [Abstract]

Tülin Altunöz, Mehmetcik Pamuk and Oğuz Yıldız:
Torsion generators of the twist subgroup,
389-398. [Abstract]

Minoru Hirose, Hideki Murahara and Shingo Saito:
Generating functions for sums of polynomial multiple zeta values,
399-428. [Abstract]

Ahmad Khalid Al Abdulaali:
Some achieved wedge products of positive currents,
429-439. [Abstract]

Kengo Fukunaga:
Triple product $p$-adic $L$-function attached to $p$-adic families of modular forms,
441-488. [Abstract]

Alexandru Dimca and Gabriel Sticlaru:
Waring rank of binary forms, harmonic cross-ratio and golden ratio,
489-499. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 74, No. 2 (June 2022)

Takumu Ooi:
Heat kernel estimates on spaces with varying dimension,
165-194. [Abstract]

Cheng Gong, Yi Gu, Jun Lu and Paul Pollack:
On the stable reduction of hyperelliptic curves,
195-213. [Abstract]

Andrew D. Hwang and Xinyi Wang:
Clairaut surfaces in Euclidean three-space,
215-227. [Abstract]

Motoko Kotani, Hisashi Naito and Chen Tao:
Construction of continuum from a discrete surface by its iterated subdivisions,
215-227. [Abstract]

Dmitriy Stolyarov and Dmitry Yarcev:
Fractional integration for irregular martingales,
253-261. [Abstract]

Seher Kaya and Rafael López:
Classification of zero mean curvature surfaces of separable type in Lorentz-Minkowski space,
263-286. [Abstract]

Yoshihiro Mizuta and Tetsu Shimomura:
Hardy-Sobolev inequality in Herz spaces,
287-300. [Abstract]

Kentaro Mikami and Tadayoshi Mizutani:
The second Betti number of doubly weighted homology groups of a certain pre Lie superalgebra,
301-311. [Abstract]

Grigory Chelnokov and Alexander Mednykh:
On the coverings of Hantzsche-Wendt manifold,
313-327. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 74, No. 1 (March 2022)

Yaxiong Liu:
Uniform K-stability and Conformally Kähler, Einstein-Maxwell geometry on toric manifolds,
1-21. [Abstract]

Tom Hanika, Friedrich Martin Schneider and Gerd Stumme:
Intrinsic dimension of geometric data sets,
23-52. [Abstract]

Jesús A. Álvarez López, Yuri A. Kordyukov and Eric Leichtnam:
Simple foliated flows,
53-81. [Abstract]

Kazuhiro Kuwae and Toshiki Shukuri:
Laplacian comparison theorem on Riemannian manifolds with modified $m$-Bakry-Emery Ricci lower bounds for $m<1$,
83-107. [Abstract]

Keiji Matsumoto, Shohei Osafune and Tomohide Terasoma:
Schwarz's map for Appell's second hypergeometric system with quarter integer parameters,
109-149. [Abstract]

Eunjoo Lee:
New characterizations of the helicoid in a cylinder,
151-164. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 73, No. 4 (December 2021)

Hiromu Tanaka:
Invariants of algebraic varieties over imperfect fields,
471-538. [Abstract]

Karl-Theodor Sturm:
Remarks about synthetic upper Ricci bounds for metric measure spaces,
539-564. [Abstract]

Indranil Biswas, Phùng Hô Hai and João Pedro Dos Santos:
On the fundamental group schemes of certain quotient varieties,
565-595. [Abstract]

Rafał Siejakowski:
Infinitesimal gluing equations and the adjoint hyperbolic Reidemeister torsion,
597-626. [Abstract]

Guillaume Deschamps and Eric Loubeau:
Hypersurfaces of the nearly Kähler twistor spaces $\mathbb{C}\mathrm{P}^3$ and ${\mathbb{F}_{1,2}}$,
627-642. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 73, No. 3 (September 2021)

Luiz C. B. da Silva:
Surfaces of revolution with prescribed mean and skew curvatures in Lorentz-Minkowski space,
317-339. [Abstract]

Hideaki Ikoma:
Adelic Cartier divisors with base conditions and the Bonnesen--Diskant-type inequalities,
341-401. [Abstract]

Peng Chen, Xiaoxiao Tian and Lesley A. Ward:
The commutators of Bochner-Riesz operators for elliptic operators,
403-419. [Abstract]

Seungsu Hwang and Sanghun Lee:
Myers-type compactness theorem with the Bakry-Emery Ricci tensor,
421-432. [Abstract]

Xavier Vidaux and Carlos R. Videla:
Dedekind's criterion for the monogenicity of a number field versus Uchida's and L\"uneburg's,
433-447. [Abstract]

Daniel Duarte and Luis Núñez-Betancourt:
Higher Nash blowups of normal toric varieties in prime characteristic,
449-462. [Abstract]

Kei Kondo and Yusuke Shinoda:
On sufficient conditions to extend Huber's finite connectivity theorem to higher dimensions,
463-470. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 73, No. 2 (June 2021)

Haesung Lee and Gerald Trutnau:
Existence, uniqueness and ergodic properties for time-homogeneous Itô-SDEs with locally integrable drifts and Sobolev diffusion coefficients,
159-198. [Abstract]

Si Duc Quang, Le Ngoc Quynh and Nguyen Thi Nhung:
Non-integrated defect relation for meromorphic maps from Kähler manifolds with hypersurfaces of a projective variety in subgeneral position,
199-219. [Abstract]

Yasushi Komori:
Finite multiple zeta values, symmetric multiple zeta values and unified multiple zeta functions,
221-255. [Abstract]

Marcos Salvai:
Circles in self dual symmetric $R$-spaces,
257-275. [Abstract]

Torsten Hoge and Gerhard Röhrle:
Some remarks on free arrangements,
277-288. [Abstract]

Paul Baird and Elsa Ghandour:
Biconformal equivalence between 3-dimensional Ricci solitons,
289-316. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 73, No. 1 (March 2021)

Kazumi Tsukada:
The Gauss maps of transversally complex submanifolds of a quaternion projective space,
1-28. [Abstract]

Andrea Loi, Michela Zedda and Fabio Zuddas:
Ricci flat Calabi's metric is not projectively induced,
29-37. [Abstract]

Bin Chen and Lili Zhao:
Finsler conformal changes preserving the modified Ricci curvature,
39-48. [Abstract]

Kazuki Aoki:
Global existence of small solutions for a quadratic nonlinear fourth-order Schrödinger equation in six space dimensions,
49-98. [Abstract]

John Machacek:
Strong factorization and the braid arrangement fan,
99-104. [Abstract]

Keiichi Kato, Masaharu Kobayashi, Shingo Ito and Tadashi Takahashi:
Representation of higher-order dispersive operators via short-time Fourier transform and its application,
105-118. [Abstract]

Toshihide Futamura and Tetsu Shimomura:
The double obstacle problem for Musielak-Orlicz Dirichlet energy integral on metric measure spaces,
119-136. [Abstract]

Daniel Cavey and Akihiro Higashitani:
Winding number of $r$-modular sequences and applications to the singularity content of a fano polygon,
137-158. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 72, No. 4 (December 2020)

Zizhou Tang, Dongyi Wei and Wenjiao Yan:
A sufficient condition for a hypersurface to be isoparametric,
493-505. [Abstract]

Sheng-Hui Chen and Jian Wang:
Characterizations of heat kernel estimates for symmetric non-local Dirichlet forms via resistance forms,
507-526. [Abstract]

Shun Sugiyama:
Generalized Cartan-Behnke-Stein's theorem and $q$-pseudoconvexity in a Stein manifold,
527-535. [Abstract]

Yuichiro Hoshi:
A note on an anabelian open basis for a smooth variety,
537-550. [Abstract]

Jann-Long Chern, Chih-Her Chen and Gyeongha Hwang:
Structure of minimizers of Cafarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality,
551-567. [Abstract]

Jingshi Xu:
Characterizations of Sobolev spaces with variable exponent via averages on balls,
569-579. [Abstract]

Mehdi Lejmi and Markus Upmeier:
Closed almost Kähler 4-manifolds of constant non-negative Hermitian holomorphic sectional curvature are Kähler,
581-594. [Abstract]

Buntaro Kakinoki:
A filtration on the higher Chow group of zero cycles on an abelian variety,
595-619. [Abstract]

Shamil Makhmutov, Jouni Rättyä and Toni Vesikko:
Growth estimates for meromorphic solutions of higher order algebraic differential equations,
621-629. [Abstract]

Preeyalak Chuadchawna, Ali Farajzadeh and Anchalee Kaewcharoen:
Convergence theorems of a modified iteration process for generalized nonexpansive mappings in hyperbolic spaces,
631-647. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 72, No. 3 (September 2020)

Yoshihiro Mizuta and Tetsu Shimomura:
Boundedness of maximal operators on Herz spaces with radial variable exponent,
335-348. [Abstract]

Hideto Nakashima:
Functional equations of zeta functions associated with homogeneous cones,
349-378. [Abstract]

James Mccoy, Glen Wheeler and Yuhan Wu:
A sixth order flow of plane curves with boundary conditions,
379-393. [Abstract]

Veronika Ertl and Atsushi Shiho:
On infiniteness of integral overconvergent de Rham--Witt cohomology modulo torsion,
395-410. [Abstract]

Paul Gustafson, Eric C. Rowell and Yuze Ruan:
Metaplectic categories, gauging and property $F$,
411-424. [Abstract]

Ryuichi Fukuoka:
A large family of projectively equivalent $C^0$-Finsler manifolds,
425-450. [Abstract]

Robert Laterveer:
Algebraic cycles and Verra fourfolds,
451-485. [Abstract]

Tomoyuki Miyaji, Isamu Ohnishi and Yoshio Tsutsumi:
Erratum: Stability of stationary solution for the Lugiato-Lefever equation,
487-492. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 72, No. 2 (June 2020)

Andreas Arvanitoyeorgos, Yusuke Sakane and Marina Statha:
Invariant Einstein metrics on $\mathrm{SU}(N)$ and complex Stiefel manifolds,
161-210. [Abstract]

Xiong Liu, Xiaoli Qiu and Baode Li:
Molecular characterization of anisotropic variable Hardy-Lorentz spaces,
211-233. [Abstract]

Lech Maligranda and Katsuo Matsuoka:
Calder\'on--Zygmund singular integrals in central Morrey--Orlicz spaces,
235-259. [Abstract]

Masayoshi Nagase:
A formula for the heat kernel coefficients on Riemannian manifolds,
261-282. [Abstract]

Lorenzo Brandolese and Jiao He:
Uniqueness theorems for the Boussinesq system,
283-297. [Abstract]

Kaneharu Tsuchida:
On a construction of harmonic function for recurrent relativistic $\alpha$-stable processes,
299-315. [Abstract]

Martin Kilian, Eduardo Mota and Nicholas Schmitt:
Constant mean curvature trinoids with one irregular end,
317-333. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 72, No. 1 (March 2020)

Kaoru Sano:
Dynamical degree and arithmetic degree of endomorphisms on product varieties,
1-13. [Abstract]

Nakao Hayashi and Pavel I. Naumkin:
Higher-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation in 2D case,
15-37. [Abstract]

Yu Ito:
Rough integration via fractional calculus,
39-62. [Abstract]

Mohamed Saïdi:
On étale fundamental groups of formal fibres of $p$-adic curves,
63-76. [Abstract]

Osamu Fujino and Hiroshi Sato:
Toric Fano contractions associated to long extremal rays,
77-86. [Abstract]

Yasushi Komori, Kohji Matsumoto and Hirofumi Tsumura:
Zeta-functions of root systems and Poincaré polynomials of Weyl groups,
87-126. [Abstract]

Carolyn Gordon, Eran Makover, Bjoern Muetzel and David Webb:
Sunada transplantation and isogeny of intermediate Jacobians of compact Kähler manifolds,
127-147. [Abstract]

Masataka Ono:
New functional equations of finite multiple polylogarithms,
149-157. [Abstract]

Satoru Fukasawa, Kei Miura and Takeshi Takahashi:
Erratum by Editorial office: Quasi-Galois points, I: Automorphism groups of plane curves,
159-159. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 71, No. 4 (December 2019)

Satoru Fukasawa, Kei Miura and Takeshi Takahashi:
Quasi-Galois points, I: Automorphism groups of plane curves,
487-494. [Abstract]

Naoto Yotsutani and Bin Zhou:
Relative algebro-geometric stabilities of toric manifolds,
495-524. [Abstract]

Satoshi Nakamura:
Generalized Kähler Einstein metrics and uniform stability for toric Fano manifolds,
525-532. [Abstract]

Kazuyoshi Watanabe:
Combinatorial Ricci curvature on cell-complex and Gauss-Bonnnet theorem,
533-547. [Abstract]

Daniel Litt:
Vanishing for Frobenius twists of ample vector bundles,
549-557. [Abstract]

Akio Kodama:
A group-theoretic characterization of the Fock-Bargmann-Hartogs domains,
559-580. [Abstract]

Yuxin Dong, Hezi Lin and Shihshu Walter Wei:
$L^2$ curvature pinching theorems and vanishing theorems on complete Riemannian manifolds,
581-607. [Abstract]

Boo Rim Choe, Hyungwoon Koo and Jongho Yang:
Compact double differences of composition operators on the Bergman spaces over the ball,
609-637. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 71, No. 3 (September 2019)

Makoto Enokizono:
Fibers of cyclic covering fibrations of a ruled surface,
327-358. [Abstract]

Tetsuya Hattori:
Cancellation of fluctuation in stochastic ranking process with space-time dependent intensities,
359-396. [Abstract]

Kurando Baba:
Examples of austere orbits of the isotropy representations for semisimple pseudo-Riemannian symmetric spaces,
397-424. [Abstract]

Masayoshi Nagase:
On the curvature of the Fefferman metric of contact Riemannian manifolds,
425-436. [Abstract]

Yoshihisa Ishibashi, Yuuki Shiraishi and Atsushi Takahashi:
Primitive forms for affine cusp polynomials,
437-464. [Abstract]

Joseph Ayoub:
La version relative de la conjecture des périodes de Kontsevich-Zagier revisitée,
465-485. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 71, No. 2 (June 2019)

Leticia Barchini:
Characteristic cycles of highest weight Harish-Chandra modules and the Weyl group action on the conormal variety,
171-205. [Abstract]

Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama:
Quinary lattices and binary quaternion hermitian lattices,
207-220. [Abstract]

Yusuke Miura:
The conservativeness of Girsanov transformed symmetric Markov processes,
221-241. [Abstract]

Ying Li, Anna Marciniak-Czochra, Izumi Takagi and Boying Wu:
Steady states of FitzHugh-Nagumo system with non-diffusive activator and diffusive inhibitor,
243-279. [Abstract]

Guan-Yu Chen and Takashi Kumagai:
Products of random walks on finite groups with moderate growth,
281-302. [Abstract]

Mingming Cao and Qingying Xue:
A revisit on commutators of linear and bilinear fractional integral operator,
303-318. [Abstract]

Francis E. A. Johnson:
A flat projective variety with $D_8$-holonomy,
319-326. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 71, No. 1 (March 2019)

Valentino Tosatti:
Orthogonality of divisorial Zariski decompositions for classes with volume zero,
1-8. [Abstract]

Syota Esaki:
Infinite particle systems of long range jumps with long range interactions,
9-33. [Abstract]

Akihiko Yukie:
Rational orbits of primitive trivectors in dimension six,
35-52. [Abstract]

Fumi-Yuki Maeda, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura:
Obstacle problem for Musielak-Orlicz Dirichlet energy integral on metric measure spaces,
53-68. [Abstract]

Yohei Sakurai:
Rigidity of manifolds with boundary under a lower Bakry-Émery Ricci curvature bound,
69-109. [Abstract]

Shin-ichiro Seki:
The $\mathbf{p}$-adic duality for the finite star-multiple polylogarithms,
111-122. [Abstract]

Kohsuke Shibata and Nguyen Duc Tam:
Characterization of 2-dimensional normal Mather-Jacobian log canonical singularities,
123-136. [Abstract]

Yusuke Suyama:
Toric Fano varieties associated to finite simple graphs,
137-144. [Abstract]

Nathaphon Boonnam:
A generalized maximal diameter sphere theorem,
145-155. [Abstract]

Toru Sasahara:
Classification of biharmonic $\mathcal{C}$-parallel Legendrian submanifolds in 7-dimensional Sasakian space forms,
157-169. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 70, No. 4 (December 2018)

Jae-Cheon Joo and Kang-Hyurk Lee:
Pseudo-Hermitian manifolds with automorphism group of maximal dimension,
487-510. [Abstract]

Kento Fujita and Yuji Odaka:
On the K-stability of Fano varieties and anticanonical divisors,
511-521. [Abstract]

Anthony C. Kable:
The structure of the space of polynomial solutions to the canonical central systems of differential equations on the block Heisenberg groups: A generalization of a theorem of Korányi,
523-545. [Abstract]

Osamu Ikawa:
$\sigma$-actions and symmetric triads,
547-565. [Abstract]

Kazaros S. Kazarian, Samvel S. Kazaryan and Angel San Antolín:
Wavelets in weighted norm spaces,
567-605. [Abstract]

Yunping Jiang, Sudeb Mitra, Hiroshige Shiga and Zhe Wang:
Teichmüller spaces and tame quasiconformal motions,
607-631. [Abstract]

Seunghwan Yang:
Large deviations for continuous additive functionals of symmetric Markov processes,
633-648. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 70, No. 3 (September 2018)

Dang Dinh Hai:
On a class of singular superlinear elliptic systems in a ball,
339-352. [Abstract]

Miguel Domínguez-Vázquez and Claudio Gorodski:
Polar foliations on quaternionic projective spaces,
353-375. [Abstract]

Kazuhiko Kurano and Kazuma Shimomoto:
An elementary proof of Cohen-Gabber theorem in the equal characteristic $p>0$ case,
377-389. [Abstract]

Atsushi Katsuda and Takeshi Kobayashi:
The isometry groups of compact manifolds with almost negative Ricci curvature,
391-400. [Abstract]

Matteo A. Bonfanti:
On the rational cohomology of regular surfaces isogenous to a product of curves with $\chi(\mathcal{O}_S)=2$,
401-423. [Abstract]

Pekka Lehtelä and Teemu Lukkari:
The equivalence of weak and very weak supersolutions to the porous medium equation,
425-445. [Abstract]

Edoardo Ballico and Sukmoon Huh:
Double lines on quadric hypersurfaces,
447-473. [Abstract]

Katsuei Kenmotsu:
Parallel mean curvature tori in $\mathbb{C}P^{2}$ and $\mathbb{C}H^{2}$,
475-485. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 70, No. 2 (June 2018)

Kenji Sakugawa:
A control theorem for the torsion Selmer pointed set,
175-223. [Abstract]

Kevin Coulembier and Ian M. Musson:
The primitive spectrum for $\mathfrak{gl}(m|n)$,
225-266. [Abstract]

Jesús Núñez-Zimbrón:
Closed three-dimensional Alexandrov spaces with isometric circle actions,
267-284. [Abstract]

Jaap de Jonge and Cor Kraaikamp:
Three consecutive approximation coefficients: asymptotic frequencies in semi-regular cases,
285-317. [Abstract]

Taher Bichr, Jamel Boujelben and Khaled Tounsi:
Modules of bilinear differential operators over the orthosymplectic superalgebra $\mathfrak{osp}(1|2)$,
319-338. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 70, No. 1 (March 2018)

Kentaro Itoh, Ryozi Sakai and Noriaki Suzuki:
Exponentially weighted polynomial approximation for absolutely continuous functions,
1-15. [Abstract]

Yuuki Shiraishi:
On Frobenius manifolds from Gromov--Witten theory of orbifold projective lines with $r$ orbifold points,
17-37. [Abstract]

Masahiko Yoshinaga:
Worpitzky partitions for root systems and characteristic quasi-polynomials,
39-63. [Abstract]

Shigeki Aida, Takanori Kikuchi and Seiichiro Kusuoka:
The rates of the $L^p$-convergence of the Euler-Maruyama and Wong-Zakai approximations of path-dependent stochastic differential equations under the Lipschitz condition,
65-95. [Abstract]

Chuan-Zhong Chen, Li Ma and Wei Sun:
Stochastic calculus for Markov processes associated with semi-Dirichlet forms,
97-119. [Abstract]

Adam Osȩkowski:
Sharp $L^p$-bounds for the martingale maximal function,
121-138. [Abstract]

Takafumi Amaba and Kazumasa Kuwada:
A coupling of Brownian motions in the $\mathcal{L}_0$-geometry,
139-174. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 69, No. 4 (December 2017)

Fumi-Yuki Maeda, Takao Ohno and Tetsu Shimomura:
Boundedness of the maximal operator on Musielak-Orlicz-Morrey spaces,
483-495. [Abstract]

Antonio Lei:
Bounds on the Tamagawa numbers of a crystalline representation over towers of cyclotomic extensions,
497-524. [Abstract]

Oscar Macia, Yasuyuki Nagatomo and Masaro Takahashi:
Holomorphic isometric embeddings of the projective line into quadrics,
525-545. [Abstract]

Keiji Matsumoto:
Monodromy representations of hypergeometric systems with respect to fundamental series solutions,
547-570. [Abstract]

Teruaki Kitano:
A polynomial defined by the $SL(2;\mathbb{C})$-Reidemeister torsion for a homology 3-sphere obtained by a Dehn surgery along a $(2p,q)$-torus knot,
571-583. [Abstract]

Fabien Friedli and Anders Karlsson:
Spectral zeta functions of graphs and the Riemann zeta function in the critical strip,
585-610. [Abstract]

Martin G. Gulbrandsen and Martí Lahoz:
Schottky via the punctual Hilbert scheme,
611-619. [Abstract]

Sungwook Lee:
Minimal timelike surfaces in a certain homogeneous Lorentzian 3-manifold,
621-635. [Abstract]

Kazuhiro Ichihara and Ken-ichi Yoshida:
On the most expected number of components for random links,
637-641. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 69, No. 3 (September 2017)

Eduardo González and Hiroshi Iritani:
Seidel elements and potential functions of holomorphic disc counting,
327-368. [Abstract]

Kōta Yoshioka:
A note on stable sheaves on Enriques surfaces,
369-382. [Abstract]

Kwok-Pun Ho:
Atomic decompositions of weighted Hardy spaces with variable exponents,
383-413. [Abstract]

Masataka Tomari and Tadashi Tomaru:
The maximal ideal cycles over normal surface singularities with ${\Bbb C}^*$-action,
415-430. [Abstract]

Katsuhisa Furukawa and Atsushi Ito:
Gauss maps of toric varieties,
431-454. [Abstract]

Tadahiro Oh and Oana Pocovnicu:
A remark on almost sure global well-posedness of the energy-critical defocusing nonlinear wave equations in the periodic setting,
455-481. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 69, No. 2 (June 2017)

Jun-ichi Mukuno and Yoshikazu Nagata:
On a characterization of unbounded homogeneous domains with boundaries of light cone type,
161-181. [Abstract]

Eiichi Nakai and Gaku Sadasue:
Some new properties concerning BLO martingales,
183-194. [Abstract]

Charles Vial:
Remarks on motives of abelian type,
195-220. [Abstract]

Daniel Allcock and Fumiharu Kato:
A fake projective plane via 2-adic uniformization with torsion,
221-237. [Abstract]

Atsushi Yamamori:
Non-hyperbolic unbounded Reinhardt domains: non-compact automorphism group, Cartan's linearity theorem and explicit Bergman kernel,
239-260. [Abstract]

Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou and Vicenţiu D. Rădulescu:
Robin problems with indefinite and unbounded potential, resonant at $-\infty$, superlinear at $+\infty$,
262-286. [Abstract]

Yoshiaki Goto:
Contiguity relations of Lauricella's $F_D$ revisited,
287-304. [Abstract]

James J. Hebda and Yutaka Ikeda:
Replacing the lower curvature bound in Toponogov's comparison theorem by a weaker hypothesis,
305-325. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 69, No. 1 (March 2017)

Peter Gilkey, Chan Yong Kim and JeongHyeong Park:
Real analytic complete non-compact surfaces in Euclidean space with finite total curvature arising as solutions to ODEs,
1-23. [Abstract]

Kazutoshi Kariyama:
A remark on Jacquet-Langlands correspondence and invariant $s$,
25-33. [Abstract]

Shinnosuke Okawa:
Surfaces of globally $F$-regular type are of Fano type,
35-42. [Abstract]

Ion Mihai:
On the generalized Wintgen inequality for Legendrian submanifolds in Sasakian space forms,
43-53. [Abstract]

Julien Roques:
On the reduction modulo $p$ of Mahler equations,
55-65. [Abstract]

Masanori Morishita, Yu Takakura, Yuji Terashima and Jun Ueki:
On the universal deformations for ${\rm SL}_2$-representations of knot groups,
67-84. [Abstract]

Kazumasa Inaba, Masaharu Ishikawa, Masayuki Kawashima and Tat Thang Nguyen:
On linear deformations of Brieskorn singularities of two variables into generic maps,
85-111. [Abstract]

Jun-ichi Inoguchi and Marian Ioan Munteanu:
Periodic magnetic curves in Berger spheres,
113-128. [Abstract]

Taro Asuke:
Notes on `Infinitesimal derivative of the Bott class and the Schwarzian derivatives',
129-139. [Abstract]

Peng Wang:
Willmore surfaces in spheres via loop groups III: on minimal surfaces in space forms,
141-160. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 68, No. 4 (December 2016)

Megumi Harada, Tara S. Holm, Nigel Ray and Gareth Williams:
The equivariant $K$-theory and cobordism rings of divisive weighted projective spaces,
487-513. [Abstract]

Andrea Cattaneo and Alice Garbagnati:
Calabi--Yau 3-folds of Borcea--Voisin type and elliptic fibrations,
515-558. [Abstract]

Takahiro Hashinaga, Akira Kubo and Hiroshi Tamaru:
Homogeneous Ricci soliton hypersurfaces in the complex hyperbolic spaces,
559-568. [Abstract]

Daehong Kim and Masakuni Matsuura:
Convergence of measures penalized by generalized Feynman-Kac transforms,
569-589. [Abstract]

Rabeh Ghoudi and Kamal Ould Bouh:
Construction of sign-changing solutions for a subcritical problem on the four dimensional half sphere,
591-605. [Abstract]

Lucia Alessandrini:
Holomorphic submersions onto Kähler or balanced manifolds,
607-619. [Abstract]

Tongzhu Li, Xiang Ma, Changping Wang and Zhenxiao Xie:
Wintgen ideal submanifolds of codimension two, complex curves, and Möbius geometry,
621-638. [Abstract]

Hiroki Saito and Yoshihiro Sawano:
A note on the Kakeya maximal operator and radial weights on the plane,
639-649. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 68, No. 3 (September 2016)

Hikaru Yamamoto:
Weighted Hamiltonian stationary Lagrangian submanifolds and generalized Lagrangian mean curvature flows in toric almost Calabi--Yau manifolds,
329-347. [Abstract]

Joana Cirici and Francisco Guillén:
Homotopy theory of mixed Hodge complexes,
349-375. [Abstract]

Sonia Natale:
Crossed actions of matched pairs of groups on tensor categories,
377-405. [Abstract]

Gert Heckman and Maarten van Pruijssen:
Matrix valued orthogonal polynomials for Gelfand pairs of rank one,
407-437. [Abstract]

Roberto Callejas-Bedregal, Michelle F. Z. Morgado, Marcelo J. Saia and José Seade:
The Lê-Greuel formula for functions on analytic spaces,
439-456. [Abstract]

Toshio Sumi:
Richness of Smith equivalent modules for finite gap Oliver groups,
457-469. [Abstract]

Jaime Orjuela and Ruy Tojeiro:
Umbilical surfaces of products of space forms,
471-486. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 68, No. 2 (June 2016)

Daehong Kim, Kazuhiro Kuwae and Yoshihiro Tawara:
Large deviation principles for generalized Feynman-Kac functionals and its applications,
161-197. [Abstract]

Kyo Nishiyama, Peter Trapa and Akihito Wachi:
Codimension one connectedness of the graph of associated varieties,
199-239. [Abstract]

Shingo Saito and Noriko Wakabayashi:
Bowman-Bradley type theorem for finite multiple zeta values,
241-251. [Abstract]

Young Joo Lee:
Compact sums of Toeplitz products and Toeplitz algebra on the Dirichlet space,
253-271. [Abstract]

Satoru Shimizu:
Holomorphic equivalence problem for Reinhardt domains and the conjugacy of torus actions,
273-291. [Abstract]

Fabio Scalco Dias and Farid Tari:
On the geometry of the cross-cap in the Minkoswki 3-space and binary differential equations,
293-328. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 68, No. 1 (March 2016)

Zhi-Ming Ma, Wei Sun and Li-Fei Wang:
Fukushima type decomposition for semi-Dirichlet forms,
1-27. [Abstract]

Akio Kodama:
On the holomorphic automorphism group of a generalized Hartogs triangle,
29-45. [Abstract]

Akio Kodama:
Correction: On the holomorphic automorphism group of a generalized Hartogs triangle,
47-48. [Abstract]

Tetsuya Ito:
Construction of isolated left orderings via partially central cyclic amalgamation,
49-71. [Abstract]

Kosuke Naokawa, Masaaki Umehara and Kotaro Yamada:
Isometric deformations of cuspidal edges,
73-90. [Abstract]

Suyoung Choi and Hanchul Park:
Wedge operations and torus symmetries,
91-138. [Abstract]

Kyoung Hwan Choi, Jang Hyun Jo and Jae Min Moon:
A note on Rhodes and Gottlieb-Rhodes groups,
139-159. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 67, No. 4 (December 2015)

Taher Bichr, Jamel Boujelben and Khaled Tounsi:
Bilinear differential operators: Projectively equivariant symbol and quantization maps,
481-493. [Abstract]

Noriyuki Suwa:
Group algebras and normal basis problem,
495-505. [Abstract]

Radu Pantilie:
On the quaternionic manifolds whose twistor spaces are Fano manifolds,
507-511. [Abstract]

Benjamin Lorenz and Benjamin Nill:
On smooth Gorenstein polytopes,
513-530. [Abstract]

Hongwei Xu, Fei Huang and Entao Zhao:
Differentiable pinching theorems for submanifolds via Ricci flow,
531-540. [Abstract]

Jong-Shenq Guo and Chin-Chin Wu:
On the dead-core problem for the $p$-Laplace equation with a strong absorption,
541-551. [Abstract]

Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein, Fabio Scarabotti and Filippo Tolli:
Mackey's criterion for subgroup restriction of Kronecker products and harmonic analysis on Clifford groups,
553-571. [Abstract]

István Blahota, Giorgi Tephnadze and Rodolfo Toledo:
Strong convergence theorem of Cesàro means with respect to the Walsh system,
573-584. [Abstract]

Akira Ishii and Kazushi Ueda:
The special McKay correspondence and exceptional collections,
585-609. [Abstract]

Kazuyuki Hasegawa and Kouhei Miura:
Extremal Lorentzian surfaces with null $r$-planar geodesics in space forms,
611-634. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 67, No. 3 (September 2015)

Tadashi Ashikaga:
Toric modifications of cyclic orbifolds and an extended Zagier reciprocity for Dedekind sums,
323-347. [Abstract]

Marek T. Malinowski:
Set-valued and fuzzy stochastic differential equations in M-type 2 Banach spaces,
349-381. [Abstract]

Zhen Guo, Tongzhu Li and Changping Wang:
Classification of hypersurfaces with constant Möbius Ricci curvature in $\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$,
383-403. [Abstract]

Pedro Freitas and David Krejčiřík:
Alexandrov's isodiametric conjecture and the cut locus of a surface,
405-417. [Abstract]

Alberto Medina:
Structure of symplectic Lie groups and momentum map,
419-431. [Abstract]

Yuzuru Inahama:
Large deviation principle for certain spatially lifted Gaussian rough path,
433-463. [Abstract]

Yu Fu:
Biharmonic hypersurfaces with three distinct principal curvatures in Euclidean space,
465-479. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 67, No. 2 (June 2015)

Haoyu Hu:
Ramification and nearby cycles for $\ell$-adic sheaves on relative curves,
153-194. [Abstract]

Hui Ma and Yoshihiro Ohnita:
Hamiltonian stability of the Gauss images of homogeneous isoparametric hypersurfaces II,
195-246. [Abstract]

Kiyotaka Suzaki:
An SDE approach to leafwise diffusions on foliated spaces and its applications,
247-272. [Abstract]

Jianquan Ge:
A note on Ribaucour transformations in Lie sphere geometry,
273-280. [Abstract]

Gabjin Yun, Jeongwook Chang and Seungsu Hwang:
On the structure of linearization of the scalar curvature,
281-295. [Abstract]

Takayuki Koike:
Minimal singular metrics of a line bundle admitting no Zariski decomposition,
297-321. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 67, No. 1 (March 2015)

John Bolton, Franki Dillen, Bart Dioos and Luc Vrancken:
Almost complex surfaces in the nearly Kähler $S^3\times S^3$,
1-17. [Abstract]

Anna Fino, Hisashi Kasuya and Luigi Vezzoni:
SKT and tamed symplectic structures on solvmanifolds,
19-37. [Abstract]

Masaru Nagisa and Mitsuru Uchiyama:
Order of operators determined by operator mean,
39-50. [Abstract]

Jun O'Hara and Gil Solanes:
Möbius invariant energies and average linking with circles,
51-82. [Abstract]

Yuya Matsumoto:
On good reduction of some K3 surfaces related to abelian surfaces,
83-104. [Abstract]

Luciana F. Martins and Juan J. Nuño-Ballesteros:
Contact properties of surfaces in ${\mathbb R}^3$ with corank 1 singularities,
105-124. [Abstract]

Julio Delgado:
On the $r$-nuclearity of some integral operators on Lebesgue spaces,
125-135. [Abstract]

Nikos Georgiou:
On minimal Lagrangian surfaces in the product of Riemannian two manifolds,
137-152. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 66, No. 4 (December 2014)

Luis Barreira, Jinjun Li and Claudia Valls:
Irregular sets are residual,
471-489. [Abstract]

Jong Taek Cho:
Contact 3-manifolds with the Reeb-flow symmetry,
491-500. [Abstract]

Fumiya Amano:
On a certain nilpotent extension over $\boldsymbol{Q}$ of degree 64 and the 4-th multiple residue symbol,
501-522. [Abstract]

Masaki Wada:
Perturbation of Dirichlet forms and stability of fundamental solutions,
523-537. [Abstract]

Wei Chen and Peide Liu:
Weighted norm inequalities for multisublinear maximal operator in martingale spaces,
539-553. [Abstract]

Montserrat Teixidor i Bigas:
Limit linear series for vector bundles,
555-562. [Abstract]

Takashi Hashimoto:
A twisted moment map and its equivariance,
563-581. [Abstract]

Michael E. Filippakis, Donal O'Regan and Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou:
Multiple and nodal solutions for nonlinear equations with a nonhomogeneous differential operator and concave-convex terms,
583-608. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 66, No. 3 (September 2014)

Kazuto Ota:
A generalization of the theory of Coleman power series,
309-320. [Abstract]

Sorin V. Sabau, Kazuhiro Shibuya and Gheorghe Pitiş:
Generalized Finsler structures on closed 3-manifolds,
321-353. [Abstract]

Oskar Kędzierski:
Danilov's resolution and representations of the McKay quiver,
355-375. [Abstract]

Thomas Barthelmé, Bruno Colbois, Mickaël Crampon and Patrick Verovic:
Laplacian and spectral gap in regular Hilbert geometries,
377-407. [Abstract]

Nan Wu and Jian-Hua Zheng:
On the growth order of an algebroid function with radially distributed values in the unit disk,
409-425. [Abstract]

Peter Quast:
A geometric proof of a result of Takeuchi,
427-434. [Abstract]

Naoyuki Koike:
A Cartan type identity for isoparametric hypersurfaces in symmetric spaces,
435-454. [Abstract]

Hiroshi Kaneko and Hisaaki Matusmoto:
A convergence of Hunt processes on the ring of $p$-adic integers and its application to a random fractal,
455-469. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 66, No. 2 (June 2014)

Pablo Viola and Beatriz Viviani:
Local maximal functions and operators associated to Laguerre expansions,
155-169. [Abstract]

Teffera M. Asfaw and Athanassios G. Kartsatos:
Variational inequalities for perturbations of maximal monotone operators in reflexive Banach spaces,
171-203. [Abstract]

Yoshikata Kida:
Invariants of orbit equivalence relations and Baumslag-Solitar groups,
205-258. [Abstract]

Bobo Hua and Chao Xia:
A note on local gradient estimate on Alexandrov spaces,
259-267. [Abstract]

The Anh Bui:
Functions of vanishing mean oscillation associated to non-negative self-adjoint operators satisfying Davies-Gaffney estimates,
269-287. [Abstract]

Kôhei Uchiyama:
Green's functions of random walks on the upper half plane,
289-307. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 66, No. 1 (March 2014)

Feng Liu:
On singular integrals associated to surfaces,
1-14. [Abstract]

Carl Tipler:
A note on blow-ups of toric surfaces and CSC Kähler metrics,
15-29. [Abstract]

Giovanni Calvaruso and Amirhesam Zaeim:
Conformally flat homogeneous pseudo-Riemannian four-manifolds,
31-54. [Abstract]

Akihiko Miyachi and Naohito Tomita:
Boundedness criterion for bilinear Fourier multiplier operators,
55-76. [Abstract]

Markus Perling:
A lifting functor for toric sheaves,
77-92. [Abstract]

Atsushi Hayashimoto:
A parametrized de Rham decomposition theorem for CR manifolds,
93-105. [Abstract]

Chul Ki Ko and Hyun Jae Yoo:
Schrödinger uncertainty relation and convexity for the monotone pair skew information,
107-117. [Abstract]

Teppei Kobayashi:
Time periodic solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations with the time periodic Poiseuille flow in two and three dimensional perturbed channels,
119-135. [Abstract]

Dumitru Motreanu, V. V. Motreanu and N. S. Papageorgiou:
Existence and nonexistence of positive solutions for parametric Neumann problems with $p$-Laplacian,
137-153. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 65, No. 4 (December 2013)

Yasuhito Nishimori:
Large deviations for symmetric stable processes with Feynman-Kac functionals and its application to pinned polymers,
467-494. [Abstract]

Satoru Shimizu:
Prolongation of holomorphic vector fields on a tube domain,
495-514. [Abstract]

Matthias Schütt:
K3 surfaces with an automorphism of order 11,
515-522. [Abstract]

Toru Kajigaya:
Second variation formula and the stability of Legendrian minimal submanifolds in Sasakian manifolds,
523-543. [Abstract]

Masatoshi Sato:
A local signature for fibered 4-manifolds with a finite group action,
545-568. [Abstract]

Niko Marola and Mathias Masson:
On the Harnack inequality for parabolic minimizers in metric measure spaces,
569-589. [Abstract]

Shun Shimomura:
Frequency of $a$-points for the fifth and the third Painlevé transcendents in a sector,
591-605. [Abstract]

Marco Brunella:
Corrigendum to “On a class of foliated non-Kählerian compact complex surfaces”,
607-608. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 65, No. 3 (September 2013)

Torsten Hoge and Gerhard Röhrle:
Reflection arrangements are hereditarily free,
313-319. [Abstract]

Shuji Machihara, Tohru Ozawa and Hidemitsu Wadade:
Hardy type inequalities on balls,
321-330. [Abstract]

Xi Guo and Haizhong Li:
Submanifolds with constant scalar curvature in a unit sphere,
331-339. [Abstract]

Kosuke Naokawa:
Extrinsically flat Möbius strips on given knots in 3-dimensional spaceform,
341-356. [Abstract]

Yoshiyasu Ozeki:
Non-existence of certain CM abelian varieties with prime power torsion,
357-371. [Abstract]

Shingo Sugiyama:
Regularized periods of automorphic forms on $GL(2)$,
373-409. [Abstract]

Hiroshi Nakahara:
Some examples of self-similar solutions and translating solitons for Lagrangian mean curvature flow,
411-425. [Abstract]

Jun O'Hara:
Measure of a 2-component link,
427-440. [Abstract]

Stéphane Vigué:
On the two-variables main conjecture for extensions of imaginary quadratic fields,
441-465. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 65, No. 2 (June 2013)

Toshihisa Okada and Kiyoshi Takeuchi:
Meromorphic continuations of local zeta functions and their applications to oscillating integrals,
159-178. [Abstract]

Takahiro Nakagawa:
The logarithmic growth of element of Robba ring which satisfies Frobenius equation over bounded Robba ring,
179-198. [Abstract]

Ognyan Kounchev and Hermann Render:
Polyharmonic functions of infinite order on annular regions,
199-229. [Abstract]

Yuichiro Hoshi:
On a problem of Matsumoto and Tamagawa concerning monodromic fullness of hyperbolic curves: Genus zero case,
231-242. [Abstract]

Toshiki Mabuchi and Yasuhiro Nakagawa:
New examples of Sasaki-Einstein manifolds,
243-252. [Abstract]

Takayuki Morisawa and Ryotaro Okazaki:
Mahler measure and Weber's class number problem in the cyclotomic $\boldsymbol{Z}_p$-extension of $\boldsymbol{Q}$ for odd prime number $p$,
253-272. [Abstract]

Eric Foxall, Slim Ibrahim and Tsuyoshi Yoneda:
Streamlines concentration and application to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations,
273-279. [Abstract]

Yuichiro Tanaka:
Visible actions on flag varieties of type C and a generalization of the Cartan decomposition,
281-295. [Abstract]

Jeff A. Viaclovsky:
Einstein metrics and Yamabe invariants of weighted projective spaces,
297-311. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 65, No. 1 (March 2013)

Tadao Oda:
Voronoi tilings hidden in crystals ---the case of maximal abelian coverings---,
1-30. [Abstract]

Hitoshi Furuhata and Takashi Kurose:
Hessian manifolds of nonpositive constant Hessian sectional curvature,
31-42. [Abstract]

Jaigyoung Choe and Jens Hoppe:
Higher dimensional minimal submanifolds generalizing the catenoid and helicoid,
43-55. [Abstract]

Hakim Boumaza:
Localization for an Anderson-Bernoulli model with generic interaction potential,
57-74. [Abstract]

Adam Osȩkowski:
Weighted maximal inequalities for martingales,
75-91. [Abstract]

Osamu Fujino and Yasuhiro Ishitsuka:
On the ACC for lengths of extremal rays,
93-103. [Abstract]

Alvaro Liendo and Hendrik Süss:
Normal singularities with torus actions,
105-130. [Abstract]

Shintaro Naya and Nobuhiro Innami:
A comparison theorem for Steiner minimum trees in surfaces with curvature bounded below,
131-157. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 64, No. 4 (December 2012)

Sangbum Cho and Darryl McCullough:
Middle tunnels by splitting,
469-488. [Abstract]

Luigi Previdi:
Sato Grassmannians for generalized Tate spaces,
489-538. [Abstract]

Ricardo Estrada and Jasson Vindas:
On Tauber's second Tauberian theorem,
539-560. [Abstract]

Vladimir Krouglov:
A note on the conjecture of Blair in contact Riemannian geometry,
561-567. [Abstract]

Shigenori Matsumoto:
The dichotomy of harmonic measures of compact hyperbolic laminations,
569-592. [Abstract]

Jin-Xing Cai:
Automorphisms of an irregular surface of general type acting trivially in cohomology, II,
593-605. [Abstract]

Peter Quast and Makiko Sumi Tanaka:
Convexity of reflective submanifolds in symmetric $R$-spaces,
607-616. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 64, No. 3 (September 2012)

Károly Nagy:
Approximation by Cesàro means of negative order of double Walsh-Kaczmarz-Fourier series,
317-331. [Abstract]

Theo Grundhöfer, Linus Kramer, Hendrik Van Maldeghem and Richard M. Weiss:
Compact totally disconnected moufang buildings,
333-360. [Abstract]

Hisashi Kojima:
On the fourier coefficients of Jacobi forms of index $N$ over totally real number fields,
361-385. [Abstract]

Toshizumi Fukui and Masaru Hasegawa:
Singularities of parallel surfaces,
387-408. [Abstract]

Bo Wu and Jin-Gen Yang:
Some new Zariski pairs of sextic curves,
409-426. [Abstract]

Yohei Tachiya:
Algebraic independence results related to pattern sequences in distinct $\langle q,r \rangle$-numeration systems,
427-438. [Abstract]

Aparajita Dasgupta and Sundaram Thangavelu:
Heat kernel transform on nilmanifolds associated to H-type groups,
439-451. [Abstract]

Yasufumi Nitta and Ken'ichi Sekiya:
Uniqueness of Sasaki-Einstein metrics,
453-468. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 64, No. 2 (June 2012)

Atsufumi Honda:
Isometric immersions of the hyperbolic plane into the hyperbolic space,
171-193. [Abstract]

Dorel Fetcu and Cezar Oniciuc:
Biharmonic integral $\mathcal{C}$-parallel submanifolds in 7-dimensional Sasakian space forms,
195-222. [Abstract]

Keiichi Kato, Masaharu Kobayashi and Shingo Ito:
Representation of Schrödinger operator of a free particle via short-time Fourier transform and its applications,
223-231. [Abstract]

Hiroaki Masaoka and Mitsuru Nakai:
Square means versus Dirichlet integrals for harmonic functions on Riemann surfaces,
233-259. [Abstract]

David Petrecca and Fabio Podestà:
Construction of homogeneous Lagrangian submanifolds in $\boldsymbol{CP}^n$ and Hamiltonian stability,
261-268. [Abstract]

Hao Sun:
On the Clifford theorem for surfaces,
269-285. [Abstract]

Yoshihiro Aihara:
Deficiencies of holomorphic curves in algebraic varieties,
287-315. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 64, No. 1 (March 2012)

Taras Banakh and Dušan Repovš:
Direct limit topologies in the categories of topological groups and of uniform spaces,
1-24. [Abstract]

Masaharu Ishikawa:
Compatible contact structures of fibered Seifert links in homology 3-spheres,
25-59. [Abstract]

Yoshifumi Tsuchimoto:
Norm based extension of reflexive modules over Weyl algebras,
61-77. [Abstract]

Chang-Shou Lin and Hidemitsu Wadade:
Minimizing problems for the Hardy-Sobolev type inequality with the singularity on the boundary,
79-103. [Abstract]

Jarod Alper:
Local properties of good moduli spaces,
105-123. [Abstract]

Shoetsu Ogata:
Projective normality of toric 3-folds with non-big adjoint hyperplane sections,
125-140. [Abstract]

Kaname Hashimoto and Takashi Sakai:
Cohomogeneity one special Lagrangian submanifolds in the cotangent bundle of the sphere,
141-169. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 63, No. 4 (December 2011)   Centennial Issue

Tadao Oda:
The first hundred years of the Tohoku Mathematical Journal,
461-470. [full-text PDF]

Takashi Shioya:
Collapsing three-manifolds with a lower curvature bound,
471-487. [Abstract]

Stephen G. Simpson:
Mass problems associated with effectively closed sets,
489-517. [Abstract]

Christopher D. Sogge:
Kakeya-Nikodym averages and $L^p$-norms of eigenfunctions,
519-538. [Abstract]

Anthony C. Kable:
$K$-finite solutions to conformally invariant systems of differential equations,
539-559. [Abstract]

Marek Fila and Eiji Yanagida:
Homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits for a semilinear parabolic equation,
561-579. [Abstract]

Victor Batyrev and Mark Blume:
The functor of toric varieties associated with Weyl chambers and Losev-Manin moduli spaces,
581-604. [Abstract]

Yong Lin, Linyuan Lu and Shing-Tung Yau:
Ricci curvature of graphs,
605-627. [Abstract]

Yves André:
On nef and semistable hermitian lattices, and their behaviour under tensor product,
629-649. [Abstract]

Tomoyuki Miyaji, Isamu Ohnishi and Yoshi Tsutsumi:
Stability of a stationary solution for the Lugiato-Lefever equation,
651-663. [Abstract]

Yuting Liu, Zhi-Ming Ma and Chuan Zhou:
Web Markov skeleton processes and their applications,
665-695. [Abstract]

Kenji Fukaya:
Counting pseudo-holomorphic discs in Calabi-Yau 3-holds,
697-727. [Abstract]

Pavle Goldstein and Masaki Izumi:
Quasi-free actions of finite groups on the Cuntz algebra $\mathcal{O}_\infty$,
729-749. [Abstract]

Masaki Hanamura:
Blow-ups and mixed motives,
751-774. [Abstract]

Ahmed Abbes and Takeshi Saito:
Ramification and cleanliness,
775-853. [Abstract]

Alessio Figalli, Ludovic Rifford and Cédric Villani:
Necessary and sufficient conditions for continuity of optimal transport maps on Riemannian manifolds,
855-876. [Abstract]

Sergio Albeverio, Luca Di Persio and Elisa Mastrogiacomo:
Small noise asymptotic expansions for stochastic PDE's, I. The case of a dissipative polynomially bounded non linearity,
877-898. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 63, No. 3 (September 2011)

Giacomo De Leva:
Parabolic Harnack inequality on metric spaces with a generalized volume property,
303-327. [Abstract]

Baptiste Morin:
Sur l'analogie entre le système dynamique de Deninger et le topos Weil-étale,
329-361. [Abstract]

Kei Kondo and Minoru Tanaka:
Toponogov comparison theorem for open triangles,
363-396. [Abstract]

Daniele Valtorta and Giona Veronelli:
Stokes' theorem, volume growth and parabolicity,
397-412. [Abstract]

Ho Yun Jung, Ja Kyung Koo and Dong Hwa Shin:
Ray class invariants over imaginary quadratic fields,
413-426. [Abstract]

Angel San Antolín:
On low pass filters in a frame multiresolution analysis,
427-439. [Abstract]

Marco Brunella:
On a class of foliated non-Kählerian compact complex surfaces,
441-460. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 63, No. 2 (June 2011)

Jianming Chan and Yuefei Wang:
Shared values, Picard values and normality,
149-162. [Abstract]

Sergio Da Silva and Kalle Karu:
On Oda's strong factorization conjecture,
163-182. [Abstract]

Ian McIntosh:
The quaternionic KP hierarchy and conformally immersed 2-tori in the 4-sphere,
183-215. [Abstract]

Jan Kohlhaase:
Lubin-Tate and Drinfeld bundles,
217-254. [Abstract]

Yong Ding and Honghai Liu:
$L^p$ boundedness of Carleson type maximal operators with nonsmooth kernels,
255-267. [Abstract]

Aparajita Dasgupta, Shahla Molahajloo and Man-Wah Wong:
The spectrum of the sub-Laplacian on the Heisenberg group,
269-276. [Abstract]

Neil Donaldson and Chuu-Lian Terng:
Conformally flat submanifolds in spheres and integrable systems,
277-302. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 63, No. 1 (March 2011)

David Alessandrini:
Les singularités à l'infini des polynômes et les compactifications toriques,
1-19. [Abstract]

Akito Futaki:
Momentum construction on Ricci-flat Kähler cones,
21-40. [Abstract]

Seong-A Kim and Toshiyuki Sugawa:
Geometric invariants associated with projective structures and univalence criteria,
41-57. [Abstract]

Kazuhiro Kuwae and Takashi Shioya:
A topological splitting theorem for weighted Alexandrov spaces,
59-76. [Abstract]

Yuu Hariya, Kumiko Hattori, Tetsuya Hattori, Yukio Nagahata, Yuusuke Takeshima and Takahisa Kobayashi:
Stochastic ranking process with time dependent intensities,
77-111. [Abstract]

Yutaka Matsui and Kiyoshi Takeuchi:
Milnor fibers over singular toric varieties and nearby cycle sheaves,
113-136. [Abstract]

Kentaro Saji:
Criteria for $D_4$ singularities of wave fronts,
137-147. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 62, No. 4 (December 2010)

Gavin Brown:
Symmetric Cantor measure, coin-tossing and sum sets,
475-483. [Abstract]

Jisoo Byun, Akio Kodama and Satoru Shimizu:
A group-theoretic characterization of the direct product of a ball and punctured planes,
485-507. [Abstract]

Xiongping Dai:
A note on the shadowing lemma of Liao: A generalized and improved version,
509-526. [Abstract]

Takuya Ohta:
Orbits, rings of invariants and Weyl groups for classical $\Theta$-groups,
527-558. [Abstract]

Khaled Tounsi:
Homogeneous star products and closed integral formulas,
559-573. [Abstract]

Antonio Lotta:
Non existence of homogeneous contact metric manifolds of non positive curvature,
575-578. [Abstract]

Bumkyu Cho, Ja Kyung Koo and Yoon Kyung Park:
On Ramanujan's cubic continued fraction as a modular function,
579-603. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 62, No. 3 (September 2010)

Shoichi Fujimori and Francisco J. López:
Nonorientable maximal surfaces in the Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space,
. [Abstract]

Alex Degtyarev:
Plane sextics with a type $\bold{E}_8$ singular point,
. [Abstract]

Boo Rim Choe, Hyungwoon Koo and Kyesook Nam:
Optimal norm estimate of operators related to the harmonic Bergman projection on the ball,
. [Abstract]

Hiroyuki Tasaki:
The intersection of two real forms in the complex hyperquadric,
. [Abstract]

Hai-Ping Fu and Zhen-Qi Li:
On stable constant mean curvature hypersurfaces,
. [Abstract]

Krzysztof Andrzejewski:
Jacobi fields and the stability of minimal foliations of arbitrary codimension,
. [Abstract]

Volodymyr Mazorchuk:
Classification of simple $\mathfrak{q}_2$-supermodules,
. [Abstract]

Bruce K. Driver, Leonard Gross and Laurent Saloff-Coste:
Growth of Taylor coefficients over complex homogeneous spaces,
. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 62, No. 2 (June 2010)

Grzegorz Banaszak, Wojciech Gajda and Piotr Krasoń:
On the image of Galois $l$-adic representations for abelian varieties of type III,
163-189. [Abstract]

Shinobu Fujii:
Homogeneous isoparametric hypersurfaces in spheres with four distinct principal curvatures and moment maps,
191-213. [Abstract]

Jorge Betancor, Jacek Dziubański and Gustavo Garrigós:
Riesz transform characterization of Hardy spaces associated with certain Laguerre expansions,
215-231. [Abstract]

Yong Ding, Qingying Xue and Kôzô Yabuta:
Boundedness of the Marcinkiewicz integrals with rough kernel associated to surfaces,
233-262. [Abstract]

Keiji Matsumoto:
A transformation formula for Appell's hypergeometric function $F_1$ and common limits of triple sequences by mean iterations ,
263-268. [Abstract]

Masaharu Nishio, Noriaki Suzuki and Masahiro Yamada:
Carleson inequalities on parabolic Bergman spaces,
269-286. [Abstract]

Reinhard Farwig and Jiří Neustupa:
Spectral properties in $L^q$ of an Oseen operator modelling fluid flow past a rotating body,
287-309. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 62, No. 1 (March 2010)

Benjamin Nill and Mikkel Øbro:
$\boldsymbol{Q}$-factorial Gorenstein toric Fano varieties with large Picard number,
1-15. [Abstract]

Jong-Shenq Guo and Chang-Hong Wu:
Entire solutions for a two-component competition system in a lattice,
17-28. [Abstract]

Jörg Schürmann and Mihai Tibăr:
Index formula for MacPherson cycles of affine algebraic varieties,
29-44. [Abstract]

Susumu Hirose:
On periodic maps over surfaces with large periods,
45-53. [Abstract]

Eric Loubeau and Ye-Lin Ou:
Biharmonic maps and morphisms from conformal mappings,
55-73. [Abstract]

Shigeru Kuroda:
Shestakov-Umirbaev reductions and Nagata's conjecture on a polynomial automorphism,
75-115. [Abstract]

Kazuhiro Konno:
Canonical fixed parts of fibred algebraic surfaces,
117-136. [Abstract]

Shouchuan Hu and Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou:
Multiplicity of solutions for parametric $p$-Laplacian equations with nonlinearity concave near the origin,
137-162. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 61, No. 4 (December 2009)

Seoung Dal Jung, Soon Chan Kim and Jeong Hyeong Park:
New estimates for eigenvalues of the basic Dirac operator,
441-453. [Abstract]

Lingling Kong and Donghe Pei:
Singularities of tangent lightcone map of a timelike surface in Minkowski 4-space,
455-473. [Abstract]

Osamu Fujino:
Effective base point free theorem for log canonical pairs---Kollár type theorem,
475-481. [Abstract]

Yuichi Shiozawa:
Localization for branching Brownian motions in random environment,
483-497. [Abstract]

Shouhei Honda:
Ricci curvature and almost spherical multi-suspension,
499-522. [Abstract]

Hiroshi Mori and Norio Shimakura:
Isometric immersions of Euclidean plane into Euclidean 4-space with vanishing normal curvature,
523-550. [Abstract]

Kuniaki Horie and Mitsuko Horie:
The ideal class group of the $\boldsymbol{Z}_p$-extension over the rationals,
551-570. [Abstract]

Masayoshi Nagase:
The Laplacian and the heat kernel acting on differential forms on spheres,
571-588. [Abstract]

Pietro Corvaja, Aaron Levin and Umberto Zannier:
Integral points on threefolds and other varieties,
589-601. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 61, No. 3 (September 2009)

David A. Cox and Christine von Renesse:
Primitive collections and toric varieties,
309-332. [Abstract]

Mao-Sheng Chang, Shu-Cheng Lee and Chien-Chang Yen:
The characterization of Riemannian metric arising from phase transition problems,
333-347. [Abstract]

Nobuo Tsuchiya and Aiko Yamakawa:
Lattices of some solvable Lie groups and actions of products of affine groups,
349-364. [Abstract]

Michel Brion:
Vanishing theorems for Dolbeault cohomology of log homogeneous varieties,
365-392. [Abstract]

Taro Asuke:
Infinitesimal derivative of the Bott class and the Schwarzian derivatives,
393-416. [Abstract]

Jinping Zhang, Shoumei Li, Itaru Mitoma and Yoshiaki Okazaki:
On the solutions of set-valued Stochastic differential equations in M-type 2 Banach spaces,
417-440. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 61, No. 2 (June 2009)

Luc Lemaire and John C. Wood:
Jacobi fields along harmonic 2-spheres in 3- and 4-spheres are not all integrable,
165-204. [Abstract]

Jong Taek Cho and Makoto Kimura:
Ricci solitons and real hypersurfaces in a complex space form,
205-212. [Abstract]

Yukio Ogura and Takayoshi Setokuchi:
Large deviations for random upper semicontinuous functions,
213-223. [Abstract]

Yoshihiro Mizuta and Tetsu Shimomura:
Continuity properties of Riesz potentials of Orlicz functions,
225-240. [Abstract]

Kenji Tsuboi:
On the existence of Kähler metrics of constant scalar curvature,
241-252. [Abstract]

Hassan Oukhaba:
The index of elliptic units in $\boldsymbol{Z}_p$-extensions, II,
253-265. [Abstract]

Kayo Masuda and Masayoshi Miyanishi:
Lifting of the additive group scheme actions,
267-286. [Abstract]

Zhi-You Chen, Jann-Long Chern and Yong-Li Tang:
The structure of radial solutions for elliptic equations arising from the spherical Onsager vortex,
287-307. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 61, No. 1 (March 2009)

Bang-Yen Chen and Joeri Van der Veken:
Complete classification of parallel surfaces in 4-dimensional Lorentzian space forms,
1-40. [Abstract]

Qingying Xue and Kôzô Yabuta:
On the boundedness of singular integrals with variable kernels,
41-65. [Abstract]

Tomonori Noda and Nobutaka Boumuki:
On relation between pseudo-Hermitian symmetric pairs and para-Hermitian symmetric pairs,
67-82. [Abstract]

Takayuki Oda and Joachim Schwermer:
On mixed Hodge structures of Shimura varieties attached to inner forms of the symplectic group of degree two,
83-113. [Abstract]

Masao Tsuzuki:
Certain Rankin-Selberg integral for unitary groups,
115-164. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 60, No. 4 (December 2008)

Parameswaran Sankaran:
$K$-rings of smooth complete toric varieties and related spaces,
459-469. [Abstract]

Elena Chierici and Gianluca Occhetta:
Fano fivefolds of index two with blow-up structure,
471-498. [Abstract]

Zejun Hu and Shujie Zhai:
Classification of Möbius isoparametric hypersurfaces in the unit six-sphere,
499-526. [Abstract]

Panki Kim and Renming Song:
Intrinsic ultracontractivity of non-symmetric diffusion semigroups in bounded domains,
527-547. [Abstract]

Koji Tojo:
Complex structures, totally real and totally geodesic submanifolds of compact 3-symmetric spaces, and affine symmetric spaces,
549-580. [Abstract]

Shun Shimomura:
Nonlinear differential equations of second Painlevé type with the quasi-Painlevé property,
581-595. [Abstract]

Sadahiro Maeda and Toshiaki Adachi:
Extrinsic geodesics and hypersurfaces of type (A) in a complex projective space,
597-605. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 60, No. 3 (September 2008)

Marek Fila and Aappo Pulkkinen:
Nonconstant selfsimilar blow-up profile for the exponential reaction-diffusion equation,
303-328. [Abstract]

Owen Dearricott:
$n$-Sasakian manifolds,
329-347. [Abstract]

Luca Barbieri-Viale and Bruno Kahn:
A note on relative duality for Voevodsky motives,
349-356. [Abstract]

Osamu Kobayashi:
Ricci curvature of affine connections,
357-364. [Abstract]

Olga V. Chuvashova:
The main component of the toric Hilbert scheme,
365-382. [Abstract]

Barbara Opozda:
Weak geometric structures on submanifolds of affine spaces,
383-401. [Abstract]

Andrea Altomani, Costantino Medori and Mauro Nacinovich:
On the topology of minimal orbits in complex flag manifolds,
403-422. [Abstract]

Stephan R. Garcia and Mihai Putinar:
Interpolation and complex symmetry,
423-440. [Abstract]

Fabio Perroni:
A note on toric Deligne-Mumford stacks,
441-458. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 60, No. 2 (June 2008)

Gudlugur Thorbergsson and Masaaki Umehara:
Inflection points and double tangents on anti-convex curves in the real projective plane,
149-181. [Abstract]

Noriyuki Suwa:
Twisted Kummer and Kummer-Artin-Schreier theories,
183-218. [Abstract]

Mikkel Øbro:
Smooth Fano polytopes can not be inductively constructed,
219-225. [Abstract]

Atsushi Murase and Hiro-aki Narita:
Commutation relations of Hecke operators for Arakawa lifting,
227-251. [Abstract]

Zhenyang Li and Yuguang Shi:
Maximal slices in anti-de Sitter spaces,
253-265. [Abstract]

Laurent Hauswirth, Ricardo Sa Earp and Eric Toubiana:
Associate and conjugate minimal immersions in $\boldsymbol{M} \times \boldsymbol{R}$,
267-286. [Abstract]

Yukinori Kitadai and Hideyasu Sumihiro:
Canonical filtrations and stability of direct images by Frobenius morphisms,
287-301. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 60, No. 1 (March 2008)

Alberto Calabri, Margarida Mendes Lopes and Rita Pardini:
Involutions on numerical Campedelli surfaces,
1-22. [Abstract]

Takeshi Sasaki and Masaaki Yoshida:
Interpolation of Markoff transformations on the Fricke surface,
23-36. [Abstract]

Jong-Shenq Guo and Chin-Chin Wu:
Finite time dead-core rate for the heat equation with a strong absorption,
37-70. [Abstract]

Taro Fujisawa:
Mixed Hodge structures on log smooth degenerations,
71-100. [Abstract]

Xu Cheng, Leung-fu Cheung and Detang Zhou:
The structure of weakly stable constant mean curvature hypersurfaces,
101-121. [Abstract]

Lucia Alessandrini and Giovanni Bassanelli:
Wedge product of positive currents and balanced manifolds,
123-134. [Abstract]

Mamoru Asada:
On Galois groups of abelian extensions over maximal cyclotomic fields,
135-147. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 59, No. 4 (December 2007)

Isamu Iwanari and Atsushi Moriwaki:
Dominant rational maps in the category of log schemes,
481-525. [Abstract]

Yasufumi Hashimoto and Masato Wakayama:
Splitting density for lifting about discrete groups,
527-545. [Abstract]

Hiroshi Kaneko and Anatoly N. Kochubei:
Weak solutions of stochastic differential equations over the field of $p$-adic numbers,
547-564. [Abstract]

Andrzej Derdzinski and Witold Roter:
Projectively flat surfaces, null parallel distributions, and conformally symmetric manifolds,
565-602. [Abstract]

Leonardo Biliotti:
Hamiltonian actions and homogeneous Lagrangian submanifolds,
603-616. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 59, No. 3 (September 2007)

Shuichi Sato:
Non-regular pseudo-differential operators on the weighted Triebel-Lizorkin spaces,
323-339. [Abstract]

Atsushi Ikeda:
On the Hodge structure of degenerating hypersurfaces in toric varieties,
341-363. [Abstract]

Bendong Lou:
Periodic travelling wave solutions of a curvature flow equation in the plane,
365-377. [Abstract]

Robert Sinclair and Minoru Tanaka:
The cut locus of a two-sphere of revolution and Toponogov's comparison theorem,
379-399. [Abstract]

René L. Schilling and Toshihiro Uemura:
On the Feller property of Dirichlet forms generated by pseudo differential operators,
401-422. [Abstract]

Fumio Hazama:
Discrete tomography and Hodge cycles,
423-440. [Abstract]

Krishnan Parthasarathy and Rajendran Prakash:
Spectral synthesis in the Fourier algebra and the Varopoulos algebra,
441-454. [Abstract]

Shinichi Mochizuki:
A combinatorial version of the Grothendieck conjecture,
455-479. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 59, No. 2 (June 2007)

Huoxiong Wu:
A rough multiple Marcinkiewicz integral along continuous surfaces,
145-166. [Abstract]

Takehiko Morita:
Meromorphic extensions of a class of zeta functions for two-dimensional billiards without eclipse,
167-202. [Abstract]

Silvano Baggio:
Equivariant K-theory of smooth toric varieties,
203-231. [Abstract]

Farid Tari:
On pairs of geometric foliations on a cross-cap,
233-258. [Abstract]

Kuniaki Horie:
Certain primary components of the ideal class group of the $\boldsymbol{Z}_p$-extension over the rationals,
259-291. [Abstract]

Stefan Schröer:
Weak del Pezzo surfaces with irregularity,
293-322. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 59, No. 1 (March 2007)

Renming Song and Zoran Vondraček:
Parabolic Harnack inequality for the mixture of Brownian motion and stable process,
1-19. [Abstract]

Pedro Roitman:
Flat surfaces in hyperbolic space as normal surfaces to a congruence of geodesics,
21-37. [Abstract]

Florin Ambro:
Asymptotically saturated toric algebras,
39-55. [Abstract]

Anthony H. Dooley and Genevieve Mortiss:
The critical dimensions of Hamachi shifts,
57-66. [Abstract]

Shinya Harada:
On the finiteness of mod $p$ Galois representations of a local field,
67-77. [Abstract]

Gilles Pisier:
Simultaneous similarity, bounded generation and amenability,
79-99. [Abstract]

Chifune Kai:
A characterization of symmetric Siegel domains by convexity of Cayley transform images,
101-118. [Abstract]

Mutsumi Saito:
Primitive ideals of the ring of differential operators on an affine toric variety,
119-144. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 58, No. 4 (December 2006)

Yukihiro Mashiko and Katsuhiro Shiohama:
Comparison geometry referred to warped product models,
461-473. [Abstract]

Keita Oshima:
Hankel operators on harmonic Bergman spaces,
475-491. [Abstract]

Anthony Kable:
Symmetry in the functional equation of a local zeta distribution,
493-507. [Abstract]

Weichuan Lin, Seiki Mori and Kazuya Tohge:
Uniqueness theorems in an angular domain,
509-527. [Abstract]

Yusuke Sasano:
Coupled Painlevé II systems in dimension four and the systems of type $A_4^{(1)}$,
529-548. [Abstract]

Alexandru Dimca and Anatoly Libgober:
Regular functions transversal at infinity,
549-564. [Abstract]

Ildefonso Castro and Bang-Yen Chen:
Lagrangian surfaces in complex Euclidean plane via spherical and hyperbolic curves,
565-579. [Abstract]

Xingxiao Li and Fengyun Zhang:
A classification of immersed hypersurfaces in spheres with parallel Blaschke tensor,
581-597. [Abstract]

Rocco Chirivì, Corrado De Concini and Andrea Maffei:
On normality of cones over symmetric varieties,
599-616. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 58, No. 3 (September 2006)

Osamu Fujino:
Equivariant completions of toric contraction morphisms,
303-321. [Abstract]

Mitsuyasu Hashimoto:
Another proof of the global $F$-regularity of Schubert varieties,
323-328. [Abstract]

Yuji Hamana:
On the range of pinned random walks,
329-357. [Abstract]

Xiaohuan Mo and Yuguang Shi:
A non-existence theorem of proper harmonic morphisms from weakly asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds,
359-368. [Abstract]

Stevan Pilipović and Mirjana Vuletić:
Characterization of wave front sets by wavelet transforms,
369-391. [Abstract]

Naoyuki Koike:
A splitting theorem for proper complex equifocal submanifolds,
393-417. [Abstract]

Kumi Yasuda:
Semi-stable processes on local fields,
419-431. [Abstract]

Seth Sullivant:
Compressed polytopes and statistical disclosure limitation,
433-445. [Abstract]

Sam Payne:
Fujita's very ampleness conjecture for singular toric varieties,
447-459. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 58, No. 2 (June 2006)

Antonio M. Peralta:
Some remarks on weak compactness in the dual space of a JB$^*$-triple,
149-159. [Abstract]

Emilio Musso and Lorenzo Nicolodi:
Deformation and applicability of surfaces in Lie sphere geometry,
161-187. [Abstract]

Günter Ewald and Masa-Nori Ishida:
Completion of real fans and Zariski-Riemann spaces,
189-218. [Abstract]

Seong-Hun Paeng:
Isometry groups of Riemannian manifolds with bounded norms,
219-229. [Abstract]

John Bolton and Lyndon M. Woodward:
The space of harmonic two-spheres in the unit four-sphere,
231-236. [Abstract]

Masaki Hibino:
Borel summability of divergent solutions for singularly perturbed first order ordinary differential equations,
237-258. [Abstract]

Go Okuyama:
Local cohomology modules of $A$-hypergeometric system of Cohen-Macaulay type,
259-275. [Abstract]

Adam Nowak and Krzysztof Stempak:
Weighted estimates for the Hankel transform transplantation operator,
277-301. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 58, No. 1 (March 2006)

Hironobu Kimura and Kyoichi Takano:
On confluences of general hypergeometric systems,
1-31. [Abstract]

Hirotaka Ishida:
Catanese-Ciliberto surfaces of fiber genus three with unique singular fiber,
33-69. [Abstract]

Shyuichi Izumiya, Marek Kossowski, Donghe Pei and M. Carmen Romero Fuster:
Singularities of lightlike hypersurfaces in Minkowski four-space,
71-88. [Abstract]

Lihong Huang, Taishan Yi and Xingfu Zou:
On dynamics of generalized competitive and cooperative systems,
89-100. [Abstract]

Alexander M. Kasprzyk:
Toric Fano three-folds with terminal singularities,
101-121. [Abstract]

Takayuki Morifuji:
A note on von Neumann rho-invariant of surface bundles over the circle,
123-127. [Abstract]

Reinhard Farwig:
An $L^q$-analysis of viscous fluid flow past a rotating obstacle,
129-147. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 57, No. 4 (December 2005)

Nguyen Huu Du, Ryusuke Kon, Kazunori Sato and Yasuhiro Takeuchi:
The evolution of periodic population systems under random environments,
447-468. [Abstract]

Toshizumi Fukui and Juan J. Nuño-Ballesteros:
Isolated roundings and flattenings of submanifolds in Euclidean spaces,
469-503. [Abstract]

Peter Gilkey, Hong-Jong Kim and JeongHyeong Park:
Eigenforms of the Laplacian for Riemannian V-submersions,
505-519. [Abstract]

Dmitri V. Alekseevsky, Antonio J. Di Scala and Stefano Marchiafava:
Parallel Kähler submanifolds of quaternionic Kähler symmetric spaces,
521-540. [Abstract]

Koichi Tateyama:
Thaine's annihilator,
541-557. [Abstract]

Thierry Coulhon, Alexander Grigor'yan and Fabio Zucca:
The discrete integral maximum principle and its applications,
559-587. [Abstract]

Lu Jin and Min Ru:
A unicity theorem for moving targets counting multiplicities,
589-595. [Abstract]

Takashi Okamoto and Manabu Shirosaki:
A characterization of collections of two-point sets with the uniqueness property,
597-603. [Abstract]

Olli Martio, Vladimir Miklyukov and Matti Vuorinen:
Functions monotone close to boundary,
605-621. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 57, No. 3 (September 2005)

Oleg Demchenko:
Covariant Honda theory,
303-319. [Abstract]

Thomas K. K. Au and Tom Y. H. Wan:
Images of harmonic maps with symmetry,
321-333. [Abstract]

Rudra P. Sarkar and Sundaram Thangavelu:
On theorems of Beurling and Hardy for the Euclidean motion groups,
335-351. [Abstract]

Atsushi Atsuji:
Parabolicity, the divergence theorem for $\delta$-subharmonic functions and applications to the Liouville theorems for harmonic maps,
353-373. [Abstract]

Kuniaki Horie:
The ideal class group of the basic $\boldsymbol{Z}_p$-extension over an imaginary quadratic field,
375-394. [Abstract]

Yoshio Fujimoto and Noboru Nakayama:
Compact complex surfaces admitting non-trivial surjective endomorphisms,
395-426. [Abstract]

Qiuyi Dai and Yonggeng Gu:
Positive solutions of elliptic and parabolic equations with convex-concave nonlinearities,
427-445. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 57, No. 2 (June 2005)

Yong Ding and Chin-Cheng Lin:
Hardy spaces associated to the sections,
147-170. [Abstract]

Franki Dillen and Wolfgang Kühnel:
Total curvature of complete submanifolds of Euclidean space,
171-200. [Abstract]

Yoshinobu Kamishima and Liviu Ornea:
Geometric flow on compact locally conformally Kähler manifolds,
201-221. [Abstract]

Toshiaki Adachi, Makoto Kimura and Sadahiro Maeda:
Real hypersurfaces some of whose geodesics are plane curves in nonflat complex space forms,
223-230. [Abstract]

Yuichi Kanjin:
A transplantation theorem for the Hankel transform on the Hardy space,
231-246. [Abstract]

Gianluca Bande and Amine Hadjar:
Contact pairs,
247-260. [Abstract]

Nir Cohen, Caio J. C. Negreiros, Marlio Paredes, Sofia Pinzón and Luiz A. B. San Martin:
$f$-structures on the classical flag manifold which admit (1, 2)-symplectic metrics,
261-271. [Abstract]

Gottfried Barthel, Jean-Paul Brasselet, Karl-Heinz Fieseler and Ludger Kaup:
Combinatorial duality and intersection product: A direct approach,
273-292. [Abstract]

Stefan Bechtluft-Sachs and Andreas Döring:
Stability of natural energy functionals at Riemannian subimmersions,
293-302. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 57, No. 1 (March 2005)

Naohiro Kanesaka:
On the defining equations of hypersurface purely elliptic singularities,
1-10. [Abstract]

Guangfu Cao:
Composition and Toeplitz operators on general domains,
11-22. [Abstract]

Jian-Hua Zheng:
Iteration of functions which are meromorphic outside a small set,
23-43. [Abstract]

Ege Fujikawa:
The order of periodic elements of Teichmüller modular groups,
45-51. [Abstract]

Indranil Biswas and Swaminathan Subramanian:
Numerically flat principal bundles,
53-63. [Abstract]

Willian J. Haboush:
Infinite dimensional algebraic geometry; Algebraic structures on $p$-adic groups and their homogeneous spaces,
65-117. [Abstract]

Galia Dafni and Jie Xiao:
The dyadic structure and atomic decomposition of $Q$ spaces in several real variables,
119-145. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 56, No. 4 (December 2004)

Tetsu Masuda:
Classical transcendental solutions of the Painlevé equations and their degeneration,
467-490. [Abstract]

Xueshan Zhang:
On the nonexistence of stable currents in submanifolds of a Euclidean space,
491-499. [Abstract]

Shigeru Kuroda:
A generalization of Roberts' counterexample to the fourteenth problem of Hilbert,
501-522. [Abstract]

Shigeaki Miyoshi:
On representability of the smooth Euler class,
523-530. [Abstract]

Katsuhisa Mimach, Katsuyoshi Ohara and Masaaki Yoshida:
Intersection numbers for loaded cycles associated with Selberg-type integrals,
531-551. [Abstract]

Irina Markina:
$p$-module of vector measures in domains with intrinsic metric on Carnot groups,
553-569. [Abstract]

Kurt Falk and Bernd O. Stratmann:
Remarks on Hausdorff dimensions for transient limit sets of Kleinian groups,
571-582. [Abstract]

Alexandru I. Badulescu:
Un résultant d'irréductibilité en caractéristique non nulle,
583-592. [Abstract]

Paolo Aluffi:
Shadows of blow-up algebra,
593-619. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 56, No. 3 (September 2004)

Shanzhen Lu and Huoxiong Wu:
A class of multilinear oscillatory singular integrals related to block spaces,
299-315. [Abstract]

Tracy L. Payne:
Essentially compact foliations that are not compact,
317-326. [Abstract]

Patrick J. Fitzsimmons:
Superposition operators on Dirichlet spaces,
327-340. [Abstract]

Jin-Xing Cai:
Automorphisms of a surface of general type acting trivially in cohomology,
341-355. [Abstract]

Eric Boeckx and Giovanni Calvaruso:
When is the unit tangent sphere bundle semi-symmetric?,
357-366. [Abstract]

Yoshitaka Odai and Hiroshi Suzuki:
The rank of the group of relative units of a Galois extension II,
367-370. [Abstract]

Óscar Ciaurri, Krzysztof Stempak and Juan L. Varona:
Uniform two-weight norm inequalities for Hankel transform Bochner-Riesz means of order one,
371-392. [Abstract]

Rémi Carles and Jeffrey Rauch:
Focusing of spherical nonlinear pulses in $\boldsymbol{R}^{1+3}$, III. Sub and supercritical cases,
393-410. [Abstract]

Ram S. Pathak:
The wavelet transform of distributions,
411-421. [Abstract]

Ken Yokumoto:
Examples of Lorentzian geodesible foliations of closed three-manifolds having Heegaard splittings of genus one,
423-443. [Abstract]

Yu-Liang Shen:
Conformal invariants of QED domains,
445-466. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 56, No. 2 (June 2004)

Gen-ichi Oshikiri:
A divergence-like characterization of admissible functions on digraphs,
147-153. [Abstract]

Manfredo do Carmo and Maria F. Elbert:
On stable complete hypersurfaces with vanishing $r$-mean curvature,
155-162. [Abstract]

Jürgen Berndt and Hiroshi Tamaru:
Cohomogeneity one actions on noncompact symmetric spaces with a totally geodesic singular orbit,
163-177. [Abstract]

Gabriel Bădiţoiu:
Semi-Riemannian submersions with totally geodesic fibres,
179-204. [Abstract]

Satoshi Kawakubo:
Kirchhoff elastic rods in the three-sphere,
205-235. [Abstract]

Valério Ramos Batista:
Noncongruent minimal surfaces with the same symmetries and conformal structure,
237-254. [Abstract]

Boo R. Choe, Young J. Lee and Kyunguk Na:
Positive Toeplitz operators from a harmonic Bergman space into another,
255-270. [Abstract]

Kunio Hidano:
An elementary proof of global or almost global existence for quasi-linear wave equations,
271-287. [Abstract]

Bang-Yen Chen:
Lagrangian surfaces of constant curvature in complex Euclidean plane,
289-298. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 56, No. 1 (March 2004)

Mizuho Ishizaka:
Monodromies of hyperelliptic families of genus three curves,
1-26. [Abstract]

Ricardo Sa Earp and Eric Toubiana:
Meromorphic data for mean curvature one surfaces in hyperbolic three-space,
27-64. [Abstract]

Takayoshi Ogawa and Yasushi Taniuchi:
The limiting uniqueness criterion by vorticity for Navier-Stokes equations in Besov space,
65-77. [Abstract]

Elmar Grosse-Klönne:
Compactifications of log morphisms,
79-104. [Abstract]

Yu-Liang Shen:
On the unique extremality of quasiconformal mappings with dilatation bounds,
105-123. [Abstract]

Hisashi Kojima and Yasushi Tokuno:
On the Fourier coefficients of modular forms of half integral weight belonging to Kohnen's spaces and the critical values of zeta functions,
125-145. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 55, No. 4 (December 2003)

Jose A. Gálvez, Antonio Martínez and Francisco Milán:
Complete constant Gaussian curvature surfaces in the Minkowski space and harmonic diffeomorphisms onto the hyperbolic plane,
467-476. [Abstract]

Yûsaku Hamada:
Sur le prolongement analytique de la solution du problème de Cauchy pour certains opérateurs différentiels de partie principale à coefficients polynomiaux,
477-485. [Abstract]

Anne Aubert and Alberto Medina:
Groupes de Lie pseudo-riemanniens plats,
487-506. [Abstract]

Zoltán M. Balogh and Christoph Leuenberger:
Transversal group actions on CR manifolds and embeddability,
507-527. [Abstract]

Bennett Palmer:
Biharmonic capacity and the stability of minimal Lagrangian submanifolds,
529-541. [Abstract]

Susumu Hirose:
Some homological invariants of the mapping class group of a three-dimensional handlebody,
543-549. [Abstract]

Osamu Fujino:
Notes on toric varieties from Mori theoretic viewpoint,
551-564. [Abstract]

Sheng-Chen Fu, Jong-Shenq Guo and Je-Chiang Tsai:
Blow-up behavior for a semilinear heat equation with a nonlinear boundary condition,
565-581. [Abstract]

Amartuvshin Amarzaya and Yoshihiro Ohnita:
Hamiltonian stability of certain minimal Lagrangian submanifolds in complex projective spaces,
583-610. [Abstract]

Yoshifumi Takeda and Kôji Yokogawa:
Errata and Addenda: Pre-Tango structures on curves,

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  Vol. 55, No. 3 (September 2003)

Sanghyun Cho:
Extension of CR structures on pseudoconvex CR manifolds with one degenerate eigenvalue,
321-360. [Abstract]

Taro Asuke:
On the real secondary classes of transversely holomorphic foliations II,
361-374. [Abstract]

Wayne Rossman, Masaaki Umehara and Kotaro Yamada:
Mean curvature 1 surfaces in hyperbolic 3-space with low total curvature II,
375-395. [Abstract]

Martin C. Olsson:
Universal log structures on semi-stable varieties,
397-438. [Abstract]

Zhen-Qing Chen and Renming Song:
Hardy inequality for censored stable processes,
439-450. [Abstract]

Chettutty Smitha and Sundaram Thangavelu:
On Strichartz's uncertainty inequality for the Heisenberg group,
451-466. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 55, No. 2 (June 2003)

Satoshi Naito:
Twining characters and Kostant's homology formula,
157-173. [Abstract]

Boo-Yong Choi and Jin-Whan Yim:
Distributions on Riemannian manifolds, which are harmonic maps,
175-188. [Abstract]

Mitsuo Kato and Masatoshi Noumi:
Monodromy groups of hypergeometric functions satisfying algebraic equations,
189-205. [Abstract]

Kunio Sakamoto:
Variational problems of normal curvature tensor and concircular scalar fields,
207-254. [Abstract]

Tomoyuki Shirai:
Long time behavior of the transition probability of a random walk with drift on an abelian covering graph,
255-269. [Abstract]

Takehito Shiina:
Rigid braid orbits related to $\mathrm{PSL}_2(p^2)$ and some simple groups,
271-282. [Abstract]

Georges Dloussky, Karl Oeljeklaus and Matei Toma:
Class $\mathrm{VII_0}$ surfaces with $b_2$ curves,
283-309. [Abstract]

Norihito Koiso:
Vortex filament equation in a Riemannian manifold,
311-320. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 55, No. 1 (March 2003)

Shin-ichi Kato, Atsushi Murase and Takashi Sugano:
Whittaker-Shintani functions for orthogonal groups,
1-64. [Abstract]

Hiroshi Kaneko:
Time-inhomogeneous stochastic processes on the $p$-adic number field,
65-87. [Abstract]

Hyunsuk Moon:
The number of monomial mod $p$ Galois representations with bounded conductor,
89-98. [Abstract]

Katsuya Ishizaki, Ilpo Laine, Shun Shimomura and Kazuya Tohge:
Riccati differential equations with elliptic coefficients II,
99-108. [Abstract]

Carlos Pérez and Rodrigo Trujillo-González:
Sharp weighted estimates for vector-valued singular integral operators and commutators,
109-129. [Abstract]

Wojciech Czaja and Ziemowit Rzeszotnik:
Function spaces and classes of pseudodifferential operators,
131-140. [Abstract]

Norio Shimakura:
Huygens operators on product manifolds,
141-156. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 54, No. 4 (December 2002)

Krzysztof Stempak:
On connections between Hankel, Laguerre and Jacobi transplantations,
471-493. [Abstract]

Salvador Gigena:
On affine hypersurfaces with parallel second fundamental form,
495-512. [Abstract]

Anthony C. Kable and Akihiko Yukie:
The mean value of the product of class numbers of paired quadratic fields I,
513-565. [Abstract]

Zhen-Han Tu:
Uniqueness problem of meromorphic mappings in several complex variables for moving targets,
567-579. [Abstract]

Wanbiao Ma, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Tadayuki Hara and Edoardo Beretta:
Permanence of an SIR epidemic model with distributed time delays,
581-591. [Abstract]

Laurent Bonavero:
Toric varieties whose blow-up at a point is Fano,
593-597. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 54, No. 3 (September 2002)

Mami Matsuda and Sadao Miyatake:
Bifurcation analysis of Kolmogorov flows,
329-365. [Abstract]

Bruno C. A. Scárdua:
Complex vector fields having orbits with bounded geometry,
367-392. [Abstract]

Lihong Huang, Yuming Chen and Jianhong Wu:
Boundedness of solutions for a class of nonlinear planar systems,
393-417. [Abstract]

Peter Dormayer, Anatoli F. Ivanov and Bernhard Lani-Wayda:
Floquet multipliers of symmetric rapidly oscillating solutions of differential delay equations,
419-441. [Abstract]

Yoichi Oshima:
On the exceptionality of some semipolar sets of time inhomogeneous Markov processes,
443-449. [Abstract]

Mircea Mustaţă:
Vanishing theorems on toric varieties,
451-470. [Abstract]

To the top of this page

  Vol. 54, No. 2 (June 2002)

Naoya Ando:
The behavior of the principal distributions on the graph of a homogeneous polynomial,
163-177. [Abstract]

Satoshi Kawakubo:
Kirchhoff elastic rods in a Riemannian manifold,
179-193. [Abstract]

Tadashi Ashikaga and Mizuho Ishizaka:
Classification of degenerations of curves of genus three via Matsumoto-Montesinos' theorm,
195-226. [Abstract]

Yoshifumi Takeda and Kôji Yokogawa:
Pre-Tango structures on curves,
227-237. [Abstract]

Yoshiyuki Hino and Satoru Murakami:
Limiting equations and some stability properties for asymptotically almost periodic functional differential equations with infinite delay,
239-257. [Abstract]

Toshiki Mabuchi:
Heat kernel estimates and the Green functions on multiplier Hermitian manifolds,
259-275. [Abstract]

Anatoli Ivanov, Eduardo Liz and Sergei Trofimchuk:
Halanay inequality, Yorke 3/2 stability criterion, and differential equations with maxima,
277-295. [Abstract]

Yûsaku Hamada:
Une remarque sur le problème de Cauchy pour l'opérateur différentiel de partie principale à coefficients polynomiaux II,
297-307. [Abstract]

Takashi Ōkaji:
Strong unique continuation property for elliptic systems of normal type in two independent variables,
309-318. [Abstract]

Gen-ichi Oshikiri:
Some differential geometric properties of codimension-one foliations of polynomial growth,
319-328. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 54, No. 1 (March 2002)

Gottfried Barthel, Jean-Paul Brasselet, Karl-Heinz Fieseler and Ludger Kaup:
Combinatorial intersection cohomology for fans,
1-41. [Abstract]

Shigeru Hasegawa and Ryotaro Sato:
On a local ergodic theorem for finite-dimensional-Hilbert-space-valued functions,
43-59. [Abstract]

Winfried Kohnen and Jyoti Sengupta:
A certain class of Poincaré series on $Sp_n$, II,
61-69. [Abstract]

Olga Gil-Medrano and Elisa Llinares-Fuster:
Minimal unit vector fields,
71-84. [Abstract]

Rogério S. Mol:
Meromorphic first integrals: some extension results,
85-104. [Abstract]

Shuxing Chen:
A free boundary value problem of Euler system arising in supersonic flow past a curved cone,
105-120. [Abstract]

Bang-Yen Chen and Luc Vrancken:
Lagrangian minimal isometric immersions of a Lorentzian real space form into a Lorentzian complex space form,
121-143. [Abstract]

Miyuki Koiso:
Deformation and stability of surfaces with constant mean curvature,
145-159. [Abstract]

Takuya Miyazaki and Takayuki Oda:
Errata: Principal series Whittaker functions on $Sp(2; \boldsymbol{R})$, II ,

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  Vol. 53, No. 4 (December 2001)

Yasuhiro Nakagawa:
Bando-Calabi-Futaki characters of compact toric manifolds,
479-490. [Abstract]

Herbert Lange:
Hyperelliptic varieties,
491-510. [Abstract]

Luc Vrancken:
Parallel affine immersions with maximal codimension,
511-531. [Abstract]

Norbert A'campo:
Quadratic vanishing cycles, reduction curves and reduction of the monodromy group of plane curve singularities,
533-552. [Abstract]

Huili Liu, Changping Wang and Guosong Zhao:
Möbius isotropic submanifolds in $\boldsymbol{S}^n$,
553-569. [Abstract]

Jong-Shenq Guo and Yung-Jen L. Guo:
On a fast diffusion equation with source,
571-579. [Abstract]

Yuri G. Prokhorov:
On a conjecture of Shokurov: Characterization of toric varieties,
581-892. [Abstract]

Vladimir Balan and Josef Dorfmeister:
Birkhoff decomposition and Iwasawa decomposition for loop groups,
593-615. [Abstract]

Celso J. Costa and Vicente F. Sousa Neto:
Mean curvature 1 surfaces of Costa type in hyperbolic three-space,
617-628. [Abstract]

Sannay Mohamad and Kondalsamy Gopalsamy:
Correction: Extreme stability and almost periodicity in a discrete logistic equation,

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  Vol. 53, No. 3 (September 2001)

Vikraman Balaji, Indranil Biswas and Donihakkalu S. Nagaraj:
Principal bundles over projective manifolds with parabolic structure over a divisor,
337-367. [Abstract]

Tatsuya Arakawa and Tadashi Ashikaga:
Local splitting families of hyperelliptic pencils,
369-394. [Abstract]

Dragomir Ž. Ðoković, Nicole Lemire and Jiro Sekiguchi:
The closure ordering of adjoint nilpotent orbits in $ \mathfrak{so}(p, q) $,
395-442. [Abstract]

Marco Rigoli and Alberto G. Setti:
On the $L^{2}$ form spectrum of the Laplacian on nonnegatively curved manifolds,
443-452. [Abstract]

Giuseppe Lombardo:
Abelian varieties of Weil type and Kuga-Satake varieries,
453-466. [Abstract]

Luca Brandolini, Leonardo Colzani and Andrea Torlaschi:
Mean square decay of Fourier transforms in Euclidean and non Euclidean spaces,
467-478. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 53, No. 2 (June 2001)

Toshiki Mabuchi:
Kähler-Einstein metrics for manifolds with nonvanishing Futaki character,
171-182. [Abstract]

Yasushi Ishikawa:
Density estimate in small time for jump processes with singular Lévy measures,
183-202. [Abstract]

Tsutomu Sekiguchi and Noriyuki Suwa:
A note on extensions of algebraic and formal groups, IV Kummer-Artin-Schreier-Witt theory of degree $p^2$,
203-240. [Abstract]

Aiko Yamakawa and Nobuo Tsuchiya:
Codimension one locally free actions of solvable Lie groups,
241-263. [Abstract]

Dashan Fan and Shuichi Sato:
Weak type (1, 1) estimates for Marcinkiewicz integrals with rough kernels,
265-284. [Abstract]

Kenji Nakanishi:
Remarks on the energy scattering for nonlinear Klein-Gordon and Schrödinger equations,
285-303. [Abstract]

Zuhuan Yu:
Surfaces of constant mean curvature one in the hyperbolic three-space with irregular ends,
305-318. [Abstract]

Kyoichi Takano:
Confluence processes in defining manifolds for Painlevé systems,
319-335. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 53, No. 1 (March 2001)

Sampei Usui:
Recovery of vanishing cycles by log geometry,
1-36. [Abstract]

Yoshitaka Odai and Hiroshi Suzuki:
The rank of the group of relative units of a Galois extension,
37-54. [Abstract]

Hideo Kozono:
Weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations with test functions in the weak-$L^n$ space,
55-79. [Abstract]

Kai Liu and Anyue Chen:
Moment decay rates of solutions of stochastic differential equations,
81-93. [Abstract]

Dimitrios I. Dais, Christian Haase and Günter M. Ziegler:
All toric local complete intersection singularities admit projective crepant resolutions,
95-107. [Abstract]

Jorge J. Betancor and Krzysztof Stempak:
Relating multipliers and transplantation for Fourier-Bessel expansions and Hankel transform,
109-129. [Abstract]

Koji Tojo:
Totally real totally geodesic submanifolds of compact 3-symmetric spaces,
131-143. [Abstract]

Toshiyuki Akita:
Homological infiniteness of decorated Torelli groups and Torelli spaces,
145-147. [Abstract]

Máximo Carreras and Marcos Salvai:
Closed geodesics in the tangent sphere bundle of a hyperbolic three-manifold,
149-161. [Abstract]

Yuefei Wang:
On the Fatou set of an entire function with gasp,
163-170. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 52, No. 4 (December 2000)

Ki-ichiro Hashimoto:
On Brumer's family of RM-curves of genus two,
475-488. [Abstract]

Hideyuki Majima, Keiji Matsumoto and Nobuki Takayama:
Quadratic relations for confluent hypergeometric functions,
489-513. [Abstract]

Rafael López:
Timelike surfaces with constant mean curvature in Lorentz 3-space,
515-532. [Abstract]

Norio Shimakura:
Normal coordinate systems from a viewpoint of real analysis,
533-553. [Abstract]

Gábor Megyesi:
Configurations of conics with many tacnodes,
555-577. [Abstract]

Klaus Altmann and Duco van Straten:
The polyhedral Hodge number $h^{2,1}$ and vanishing of obstructions,
579-602. [Abstract]

Tetsuya Taniguchi:
Non-isotropic harmonic tori in complex projective spaces and configurations of points on rational or elliptic curves,
603-628. [Abstract]

Kenji Matsuki:
Correction: A note on the factorization theorem of toric birational maps after Morelli and its toroidal extension,

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  Vol. 52, No. 3 (September 2000)

Tassilo Küpper, Yong Li and Bo Zhang:
Periodic solutions for dissipative-repulsive systems,
321-329. [Abstract]

Paul E. Ehrlich and Miguel Sánchez:
Some semi-Riemannian volume comparison theorems,
331-348. [Abstract]

Tatsuo Konno:
Decomposition of Killing vector fields on tangent sphere bundles,
349-366. [Abstract]

Kazuhiro Kurata and Satoko Sugano:
Estimates of the fundamental solution for magnetic Schrödinger operators and their applications,
367-382. [Abstract]

Hiroshi Sato:
Toward the classification of higher-dimensional toric Fano varieties,
383-413. [Abstract]

Reiko Aiyama, Kazuo Akutagawa and Tom Y. H. Wan:
Minimal maps between the hyperbolic discs and generalized Gauss maps of maximal surfaces in the anti-de sitter 3-space,
415-429. [Abstract]

Miho Tanigaki:
Saturation of the approximation by spectral decompositions,
431-447. [Abstract]

Teresa Martínez and José L. Torrea:
Operator-valued martingale transforms,
449-474. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 52, No. 2 (June 2000)

Ronaldo Garcia, Carlos Gutierrez and Jorge Sotomayor:
Lines of principal curvature around umbilics and Whitney umbrellas,
163-172. [Abstract]

Wieslaw J. Oledzki:
Exotic involutions of low-dimensional spheres and the Eta-invariant,
173-198. [Abstract]

Eugene V. Ferapontov:
Lie sphere geometry and integrable systems,
199-233. [Abstract]

Ali Fardoun and Andrea Ratto:
On the second variation of the identity map of a product manifold,
235-249. [Abstract]

George Gasper and Walter Trebels:
Norm inequalities for fractional integrals of Laguerre and Hermite expansions,
251-260. [Abstract]

Katsuhiro Yoshiji:
The first eigenvalues of finite Riemannian covers,
261-270. [Abstract]

Xiaohuan Mo and Caio J. C. Negreiros:
(1, 2)-symplectic structures on flag manifolds,
271-282. [Abstract]

Yoshihisa Kitagawa:
Isometric deformations of flat tori in the 3-sphere with nonconstant mean curvature,
283-298. [Abstract]

Quo-Shin Chi:
The dimension of the moduli space of superminimal surfaces of a fixed degree and conformal structure in the 4-sphere,
299-308. [Abstract]

Yongjin Song:
The braidings of mapping class groups and loop spaces,
309-319. [Abstract]

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  Vol. 52, No. 1 (March 2000)

Takeshi Kawazoe:
Hardy spaces and maximal operators on real rank 1 semisimple Lie groups I,
1-18. [Abstract]

Ignacio Bajo:
Maximal isotropy groups of Lie groups related to nilradicals of parabolic subalgabras,
19-29. [Abstract]

María J. Carro and Hans Heinig:
Modular inequalities for the Calderón operator,
31-46. [Abstract]

Meng Fan and Ke Wang:
Periodic solutions of convex neutral functional differential equations,
47-59. [Abstract]

Kayo Masuda and Masayoshi Miyanishi:
Invariant subvarieties of low codimension in the affine spaces,
61-77. [Abstract]

Yûsaku Hamada:
Une remarque sur le problème de Cauchy pour l'opérateur différentiel de la partie principale à coefficients polynomiaux,
79-94. [Abstract]

Reiko Aiyama and Kazuo Akutagawa:
Kenmotsu type representation formula for surfaces with prescribed mean curvature in the 3-sphere,
95-105. [Abstract]

Sannay Mohamad and Kondalsamy Gopalsamy:
Extreme stability and almost periodicity in a discrete logistic equation,
107-125. [Abstract]

Takuya Ohta:
On $\theta$-stable Borel subalgebras of large type for real reductive groups,
127-152. [Abstract]

Yong Ding and Shanzhen Lu:
Homogeneous fractional integrals on Hardy spaces,
153-162. [Abstract]

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