Submission Guidelines

I. Editorial information

To be published in the Tohoku Mathematical Journal, a paper must be correct, new, nontrivial, and significant. Further, it must be well written and of interest to a substantial number of mathematicians.

A Consent to Copyright Agreement is required before a paper will be published in this journal. By submitting a paper to this journal, authors certify that the results have not been submitted to nor are they under consideration for publication by another journal, conference proceedings, or a similar publication.

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II. Preparation of manuscripts

Articles submitted for publication should be written in English, French or German.

The Tohoku Mathematical Journal encourages authors to prepare manuscripts in LaTeX2e, but other versions of TeX are also acceptable. For the preamble for specifying the document-style options of LaTeX2e, see the section VII below.

Footnotes should be reduced to a minimum. References should be precise, unambiguous and intelligible. Author's department, university and its location should be written at the end of the manuscript.

For electronic submission, authors should send the pdf file of their manuscript, along with its TeX source file, to E-Mail. The corresponding author should also be designated with full postal address.

If you want to submit by post, please send two hard copies of the manuscript to the following address by airmail. Handwritten manuscripts are not accepted. Authors are requested to submit the TeX source file of the final version of manuscripts when their papers are accepted for publication.

The Editor
Tohoku Mathematical Journal
Mathematical Institute
Tohoku University
Sendai, 980-8578

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III. Abstract and 2020 MSC numbers

The Tohoku Mathematical Journal requires each paper in it to have an abstract as well as 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) numbers, to facilitate its reviewing and inclusion in databases for electronic information retrieval.

The purpose of an abstract is to indicate to the reader the main topics treated in the paper so that the reader can decide quickly if the paper is of further interest. In view of its eventual inclusion in databases, mathematical symbols and formulas should not be used in an abstract. (In this respect, it is also desirable not to have mathematical symbols and formulas in the title as well.)

The 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification scheme was completed jointly by the Mathematical Reviews and the Zentralblatt für Mathematik. In this scheme,

precisely one primary classification number
none or several secondary classification numbers

are to be printed as a footnote on the first page of each paper. For example,

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 14M25; Secondary 14F40, 32S60.

It is requested that the authors themselves assign the classification numbers for greater accuracy.

A full list of the 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification numbers, with a list of changes and conversion tables, is available electronically on e-MATH of the American Mathematical Society.

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IV. Illustrations

Those authors who submit papers with illustrations to the Tohoku Mathematical Journal are requested to keep the following in mind:

  1. 1. All illustrations in one paper should be consecutively numbered as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.
  2. 2. The text should be independent of the actual placement of the illustrations: For instance, never write sentences like ``The graph of y=f(x) is as follows''. Instead, write ``The graph of y=f(x) is as in Figure 2''. Parenthetical references like ``(See Figure 2)'' may also be convenient. Although the printer will try to put each illustration as close as possible to the text reference to it, enough space may not be available on the page when the paper is actually typeset.
  3. 3. Write the figure number (for example, Figure 2) in the margin of each drawing and its copy. Write, for instance, ``Figure 2'' also in the margin of the manuscript at the best place for it to be placed.

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V. Proofs

Authors ordinarily receive only galley proofs. Stylistic changes in proofs must be avoided as possible. Authors will be charged for excessive corrections.

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VI. Reprints

Each author receives 50 reprints gratis, postage prepaid. Joint authors receive 50 altogether. Additional reprints may be purchased if desired.

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VII. Preamble for LaTeX2e

Please use the following preamble for specifying the document-style options.
article style  amsart style

Preparing a paper for TMJ using the article class of LaTeX2e
TeX download
TeX file
PDF download
PDF file
\documentclass[leqno,12pt]{article} %leqno is the option to put formula numbers on the left side
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
\usepackage{amsthm} %theorem environment option
\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.2} %changing the interline spacing
\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{} %footnote counter
%%%%%%%%% Theorem-like environments %%%%%%%%%%%
\theoremstyle{plain} %text of this environment is typesetted in italics
\newtheorem{theorem}{\indent\sc Theorem}[section]
\newtheorem{lemma}[theorem]{\indent\sc Lemma}
\newtheorem{corollary}[theorem]{\indent\sc Corollary}
\newtheorem{proposition}[theorem]{\indent\sc Proposition}
\newtheorem{claim}[theorem]{\indent\sc Claim}
\theoremstyle{definition} %text of this environment is typesetted in roman letters
\newtheorem{definition}[theorem]{\indent\sc Definition}
\newtheorem{remark}[theorem]{\indent\sc Remark}
\newtheorem{example}[theorem]{\indent\sc Example}
\newtheorem{notation}[theorem]{\indent\sc Notation}
\newtheorem{assertion}[theorem]{\indent\sc Assertion}
If a theorem-like environment should not be numbered,
%add * after \newtheorem, and delete the counter option such as [theorem].
\newtheorem*{remark0}{\indent\sc Remark}
%%%%% Proof %%%%%
\renewcommand{\proofname}{\indent\sc Proof.}
%The following commands are available in the proof environment:
%The end of a proof is marked with a square.
%The following command is available for address and e-mail address:
\address{<address>}{<E-mail address>}
%%%%%%%% definition of "\address" command %%%%%%%%%%%
\noindent\small{\itshape E-mail address}%
\/: #2\par\vskip4ex}\hfill%
\markright{Title for the running head within 50 characters} %title of the running head option
\title{\uppercase{Title of the paper}} %title of the paper
\small{Dedicated to Professor Xxx Yyy on his sixtieth birthday} %dedication if necessary
\bigskip \\
\textsc{First Author$^{*}$ and Second Author} %names of authors
\date{} %leave empty



%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% footnote %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\footnote{ %2020 MSC numbers
2020 \textit{Mathematics Subject Classification}.
Primary 00; Secondary 00.
\footnote{ %key words and phrases
\textit{Key words and phrases}.
Toric varieties, vanishing theorems.
\footnote{ %acknowledgment of support etc. if any
Mathematical symbols and formulas should not be used in the abstract.

\section*{Introduction} %delete * to number this section
Acknowledgments may be included at the end of the Introduction.

\section{First section}

In the theorem-like environment the text should be in italics, but numbers, colons and semicolons should be in roman letters.
For instance$:$ $(a)$ $;$ $(1)$ $[1]$ $($Definition $\ref{Def}$$)$.
So you need to enclose these by the \verb+$+ command, like
\verb+For instance$:$+ \verb+$(a)$+ \verb+$;$+\verb+$(1)$+ \verb+$[1]$+ \verb+$($Definition $\ref{Def}$$)$+.


In the definition-like environment the text should be in roman.

The end of a proof or demonstration is marked with a square.
%%%%%%%%%%%% References %%%%%%%%%%%%%
<Author name> is written as Initial of Given Name, and Family Name.
<Title> is written in roman letters.
<Journal name> should be abbreviated according to
% the MR Serials Abbreviations List of Mathematical Reviews:
(Abbreviations of Names of Serials; Mathematical Reviews).
For <pages>, use en-dash "--" between page numbers.


%%% Journals %%%
<Author name>, <Title>, <Journal name> <Volume> (<Year>), <Pages>.
\textsc{A. Author},
Title, Tohoku Math.\ J. 42 (1990), 1--50.
%%% Books %%%
<Author name>, <Title>, <Book title>, <Publisher>, <Address>, <Year>.
\textsc{A. Author and B. Author},
Title, Univ.\ Press, New York, 2000.

%%%%%%%%%%%% Authors' addresses %%%%%%%%%%%%%
\address{% First Author
Mathematical Institute \\
Tohoku University \\
Sendai 980-8578 \\
\address{% Second Author
Mathematical Institute \\
Tohoku University \\
Sendai 980-8578 \\

\address{% Third Author
Mathematical Institute \\
Tohoku University \\
Sendai 980-8578 \\
\address{% Fourth Author
Mathematical Institute \\
Tohoku University \\
Sendai 980-8578 \\

top of article style

To the top of this page

Preparing a paper for TMJ using the amsart class of LaTeX2e
TeX download
TeX file
PDF download
PDF file
\documentclass[leqno,12pt]{amsart} %leqno is the option to put formula numbers on the left side
\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.2} %changing the interline spacing
%%%%%%%%% Theorem-like environment %%%%%%%%%%%
\theoremstyle{plain} %text of this environment is typesetted in italics
\newtheorem{theorem}{\indent\sc Theorem}[section]
\newtheorem{lemma}[theorem]{\indent\sc Lemma}
\newtheorem{corollary}[theorem]{\indent\sc Corollary}
\newtheorem{proposition}[theorem]{\indent\sc Proposition}
\newtheorem{claim}[theorem]{\indent\sc Claim}
\theoremstyle{definition} %text of this environment is typesetted in roman letters
\newtheorem{definition}[theorem]{\indent\sc Definition}
\newtheorem{remark}[theorem]{\indent\sc Remark}
\newtheorem{example}[theorem]{\indent\sc Example}
\newtheorem{notation}[theorem]{\indent\sc Notation}
\newtheorem{assertion}[theorem]{\indent\sc Assertion}
%If a theorem-like environment should not be numbered,
%add * after \newtheorem, and delete the counter option such as [theorem].

\newtheorem*{remark0}{\indent\sc Remark}
%%%%% Proof %%%%%
\renewcommand{\proofname}{\indent\sc Proof.}
%The following commands are available in the proof environment:
%The end of a proof is marked with a square.


\title[Title for the running head within 50 characters]{Title} %title of paper and the running head option

\author[F. Author]{First Author$^*$} %first author's name and the running head option

\author[S. Author]{Second Author} %second author's name and the running head option

\dedicatory{Dedicated to Professor Xxx Yyy on his sixtieth birthday}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% footnote %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\subjclass[2020]{ %2020 MSC numbers
Primary 00; Secondary 00.
%In case \subjclass[2020] command is not effective
%(or the version of amsart.cls is old), write as follows instead:
\footnote[0]{2020\textit{ Mathematics Subject Classification}.
Primary 00; Secondary 00.}

\keywords{ %key words and phrases
Toric varieties, vanishing theorems.
\thanks{ %acknowledgment of support etc. if any
%%%%%%%%%%%% Authors' addresses %%%%%%%%%%%%%
\address{% First Author
Mathematical Institute \endgraf
Tohoku University \endgraf
Sendai 980-8578 \endgraf

\address{% Second Author
Mathematical Institute \endgraf
Tohoku University \endgraf
Sendai 980-8578 \endgraf

\address{% Third Author
Mathematical Institute \endgraf
Tohoku University \endgraf
Sendai 980-8578 \endgraf

\address{% Fourth Author
Mathematical Institute \endgraf
Tohoku University \endgraf
Sendai 980-8578 \endgraf


Mathematical symbols and formulas should not be used in the abstract.

\section*{Introduction} %delete * to number this section
Acknowledgments may be included at the end of the Introduction.

\section{First section}

In the theorem-like environment the text should be in italics, but numbers, colons and semicolons should be in roman letters.
For instance$:$ $(a)$ $;$ $(1)$ $[1]$ $($Definition $\ref{Def}$$)$.
So you need to enclose these by the \verb+$+ command, like
\verb+For instance$:$+ \verb+$(a)$+ \verb+$;$+\verb+$(1)$+ \verb+$[1]$+ \verb+$($Definition $\ref{Def}$$)$+.


In the definition-like environment the text should be in roman.

The end of a proof or demonstration may be marked by an open box.
%%%%%%%%%%%% References %%%%%%%%%%%%%
%<Author name> is written as Initial of Given Name, and Family Name.
<Title> is written in roman letters.
<Journal name> should be abbreviated according to
% the MR Serials Abbreviations List of Mathematical Reviews:
(Abbreviations of Names of Serials; Mathematical Reviews ).
For <pages>, use en-dash "--" between page numbers.


%%% Journals %%%
<Author name>, <Title>, <Journal name> <Volume> (<Year>), <Pages>.
\textsc{A. Author},
Title, Tohoku Math.\ J. 42 (1990), 1--50.
%%% Books %%%
<Author name>, <Title>, <Book title>, <Publisher>, <Address>, <Year>.
\textsc{A. Author and B. Author},
Title, Univ.\ Press, New York, 2000.


top of amsart style

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