Prize and Awards

Year Prize Winner Prize/ Awards Remarks
2009 Akihiko YUKIE Algebra Prize by the Math Society of Japan Professor
2009 Hideyuki MIURA Katahiro Takebe Prize by the Math Society of Japan Assist. Professor of Osaka univ.
2009 Yoshikata KIDA Geometry Prize by the Math Society of Japan Assoc. Professor of Kyoto Univ.
2009 Yasunori MAEKAWA Katahiro Takebe Prize by the Math Society of Japan Assist. Professor of Kyushu Univ.
2008 Yoshikata KIDA Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists Assist. Professor
2007 Shigeki AIDA Analysis Prize by the Math Society of Japan Professor of Osaka Univ.
2007 Jun-ichi SEGATA Katahiro Takebe Prize by the Math Society of Japan Assoc. Professor of Fukuoka University of Education
2006 Takashi SHIOYA Geometry Prize by the Math Society of Japan Professor
2006 Makoto NAKAMURA Katahiro Takebe Prize by Math Society of Japan Associate Professor
2006 Masaki HANAMURA Algebra Prize by the Math Society of Japan Professor
2006 Ichiro SATAKE Publishing Prize by the Math Society of Japan Professor Emeritus
2005 Koji FUJIWARA Geometry Prize by Math Society of Japan Associate Professor
2005 Motoko KOTANI The 25th Saruhashi Prize Professor
2002 Eiji YANAGIDA Analysis Prize by the Math Society of Japan Professor
2002 Hideo KOZONO Siebold Prize Professor
2001 Reiko MIYAOKA Geometry Prize by the Math Society of Japan Professor of Sophia Univ.
1998 Hiroyasu IZEKI Katahiro Takebe Prize by the Math Society of Japan Associate Professor
1997 Shigetoshi BANDO Geometry Prize by the Math Society of Japan Professor

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