International Workshop on
Special Geometry and Minimal Submanifolds

HOME Japanese / English
   Miyuki Koiso (Kyushu Univ. IMI)
Title : Free boundary problem for surfaces with constant mean curvature   

 We study embedded surfaces of constant mean curvature with free boundary in given supporting planes in the euclidean three-space. We assume that each considered surface meets the supporting planes with constant contact angle. These surfaces are characterized as equilibrium surfaces of the variational problem of which the total energy is the surface area and a wetting energy (that is a weighted area of the domains in the supporting planes bounded by the boundary of the considered surface) with volume constraint. An equilibrium surface is said to be stable if the second variation of the energy is nonnegative for all volume- preserving variations satisfying the boundary condition. We are interested in determining all (stable) solutions. At present in literature, only for some special cases, for example, the supporting planes are either just a single plane or two parallel planes and the wetting energy is nonnegative, all stable solutions are known. We discuss recent progress of this subject and show the space of solutions is not continuous with respect to the boundary condition.

Organizer: Reiko Miyaoka
 Grants-in-Aids for Scientific research:23340012