1st Italian-Japanese workshop on
geometric properties for parabolic and
elliptic PDE's
June 15 --
University, Sendai, Japan
The study of geometric properties of solutions has become a major field of research in the theory of parabolic
and elliptic partial differential equations. Many Japanese and Italian
researchers are actively working in this field.
This workshop is aimed to bring together experts in the theory of parabolic
and elliptic partial differential equations
from Italy and Japan, and to give an occasion to extend the current collaboration
between Japan and Italy.
Organizing Committee
Cianchi (Università di Firenze, Italy) Kazuhiro
Ishige (Tohoku University, Japan) Rolando
Magnanini (Università di Firenze, Italy) Shigeru
Sakaguchi (Hiroshima University, Japan) Eiji
Yanagida (Tohoku University, Japan)