赤間 陽二 本文へジャンプ
Stellated regular polyhedra
Stellated semiregular polyhedra この画像の作成法に興味のある方は、金曜日の13時に数学棟417号室に来ればお伝えします。
Asia Science Forum, 10-11 Sep, 2007

Opening (10 Sep. 2007)
Before the opening:

the chairman: Prof. Yamaguti (Physics, Tohoku University)

Prof. Yamasita (Chemistry, Tohoku University)


the speakers:
Mr. Umehara(Sendai City Mayor), Prof. Shoji (Executive Vice President, Tohoku Univerisity), Prof. Hashimoto (Dean, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University)

Prof. Hashimoto (Dean, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University)

Mr. Umehara (Sendai City Mayor)
Many audience.
Mr. Umehara (Sendai City Mayor) cited
"Sendai : another research hub in japan,"

Prof. Tetsuo (Executive Cice President for Research and International Affairs, Tohoku University)

Dr. Chan Roath (Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports, Cambodia

Akama (Mathematics, Tohoku University)

11 Sep.

Symposium on Fostering Researchers in Mathematics from Southeast Asia.

Dr. Chan Roath (Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports, Cambodia) presented "Mathematical Education in Cambodia"
He presented comprehensively a current status and future plans of mathematical education
Cambodian education system resembles Japanese Education System.
Prof. Dr. Slamet (Mathematics Department, University of Indonesia) presented
"Higher Education and Research in Mathematics: Challenges to Indonesian Universities." He began with explaining the history of higher education in Indonesia.
Among very many universities, there are at most 10 qualified universities.

Prof. Takagi (Mathematics, Tohoku University) presented "Locality in Mathematics." He explained the history and
current activity of Mathematical Institute, Tohoku University.