赤間 陽二 |
- International Workshop on Graphs and Probability(15 August 2024)
- William Mance教授講演会(2024年3月1日(金))
- Mapleのセミナーの案内 Maple は,統合技術計
行う他,実際に Maple の操作性を体験・学習します(講師はCybernet所属).
ウルフラムリサーチアジアリミティッドの丸山耕司氏にMathematica 10 の紹介していただきます。
- For recent talks on statistics and random matrix, visit here.
- SPHERICAL TILINGS BY CONGRUENT POLYGONS, Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 3/14, 2014.
- 9月: 人工知能学会 人工知能基本問題研究会にて招待講演
- 7月8日: Gaussian Mixture models and VC dimensions を, The Fourth International Workshop on Data-Mining and Statistical Science (京都大学) にて講演.
- 6月3日: Randomized Model Sets and Diffraction を, The 5th Asian International Workshop on Quasicrystals にて講演.
4月1日〜8日: Universitat Rovira i Virgli(Spain) へ出張. 同所で開催される3rd international conference on Language and Automata Theory and Languages and Applicationsにて
"Commutative Regular Shuffle Closed Languages, Noetherian Property, and Learning Theory" を講演.
4月9日: Pompeu Fabra University / Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats にて
Gabor Lugosi 教授を訪問.
3月27日〜29日: 数学会
符号理論の自主セミナについてはここを見てください~(2013/8/16 更新).
数学講究を受け付けています。準周期系, 超一様分布列に関するプログラミング, タイリング, 統計など指導できます。
- Shuichi Toyouchi, Shinji Kajimoto, Masatoshi Toda, Toshihiro Kawakatsu, Yohji Akama, Motoko Kotani, and Hiroshi Shuichi Toyouchi, Shinji Kajimoto, Masatoshi Toda, Toshihiro Kawakatsu, Yohji Akama, Motoko Kotani, and Hiroshi Fukumura. Mesoscopic Dynamics of Laser-induced Phase Separation in Water and 2-Butoxyethanol Mixtures Revealed by Nanosecond Time-resolved Light Scattering. Chem. Lett., 2014, 1838-1840.
- Anisohedral spherical triangles and classification of spherical tilings
by congruent kites, darts, and rhombi (with Y. Sakano). Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, 45(3):309-339, 2015 (with Yudai Sakano)
MR3104293 Reviewed Borgstrm, Johannes; Gordon, Andrew D.; Greenberg, Michael; Margetson, James; Van Gael, Jurgen Measure transformer semantics for Bayesian machine learning. Log. Methods Comput. Sci. 9 (2013), no. 3, 3:11, 39 pp. (Reviewer: Yohji Akama) 68T05 (60-08 62C10)
- MR3114271 Reviewed Aoshima, Makoto; Yata, Kazuyoshi Statistical inference in high-dimension low-sample-size settings. (Japanese) Sgaku 65 (2013), no. 3, 225247. (Reviewer: Yohji Akama) 62H25 (62F12 62Hxx)
- Yohji Akama and Nicolas van Cleemput. Spherical tilings by congruent quadrangles: Forbidden cases and substructures. Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2015.
- Yohji Akama and Min YAN. On Deformed Dodecahedron Tiling. arXiv:1403.6907[math.MG]
- Yohji Akama. Classification of spherical tilings by
congruent quadrangles over pseudo-double wheels (III) - the essential uniqueness in case of convex tiles. Submitted. arXiv:1312.3026[math.MG] (visit the project page)
- Review of ``Senechal, Marjorie; Taylor, Jean E., Quasicrystals: the view from Stockholm. Math. Intelligencer 35 (2013), no. 2, 1--9. 52C23 (82D25)''(MR3070965), Mathematical Review, American Mathematical Society, 2013.
Review of ``Li, Xingjie Helen,
Luskin, Mitchell and Ortner, Christoph, Positive definiteness of the
blended force-based quasicontinuum method, Multiscale Model. Simul. 10
(2012), no. 3, 1023--1045'' (MR3022030), Mathematical Review, Americal Mathematical Society, 2013.
- Yohji Akama and Kosuke Nakamura. Spherical tilings by congruent quadrangles over pseudo-double
wheels (II) - the ambiguity of the inner angles , Submitted, 2013.
- John Case, Michael Ralston, and Yohji Akama, A Non-Uniformly C-Productive Sequence &
Non-Constructive Disjunctions, Asian Logic Conference 2013, Guangzhou, China.
- 赤間 陽二 上條 隆宣. 構造化照明蛍光顕微鏡の画像再構成アルゴリズムについて, 応用数理, 2013
- Yohji Akama. Realizability Interpretation of PA by Iterated Limiting PCA, to appear in Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, arxiv.org:1307.5521 (February 2011, revisions were completed in July 2013, and accepted August 2013).
- Yohji Akama. Classification of spherical tilings by
congruent quadrangles over pseudo-double wheels (I) - a special tiling
by congruent concave quadrangles. Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 285-304, 2013 (accepted 12 Dec 2011). arXiv:1210.0152v2 [math.MG] (visit the project page)
Yohji Akama and Shinji Iizuka. Random Fields on Model Sets with Localized Dependency and Their Diffraction, Journal of Statistical Physics, Volume 149, Issue 3,
2012, Page 478-495 DOI: 10.1007/s10955-012-0588-5
Yohji Akama. A new order theory of set systems and better quasi-orderings, Progress in Informatics, No.9 March 2012, pages 9-18.
Yohji Akama. Set systems: Order types, continuous nondeterministic deformations, and quasi-orders, Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 412, No.45, 2011, pages 6235-6251
- Yohji AKAMA, Kei IRIE, Akitoshi KAWAMURA, Yasutaka UWANO.
VC Dimensions of Principal Component Analysis. Discrete and Computational Geometry, Vol.44, No.3, pp. 589-598, Springer 10.1007/s00454-009-9236-5
- Shinji IIZUKA, Yohji AKAMA, and Yutaka AKAZAWA, Asymmetries of Cut-and-project Sets and Related Tilings, Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Vol.15, No.1 99-113. Graduate School of Information Sciences, TOHOKU
University, 2009
- Yohji Akama, Commutative Regular Shuffle Closed Languages,
Noetherian Property, and Learning Theory, in: Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Language and automata theory and application, 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5457, p.93-104, 2009, Springer.
- 赤間陽二, 上野康隆. 主成分分析の汎化誤差などについて. 第 68 回人工知能基
本問題研究会資料, Vol. SIG-FPAI-A703, pp. 9-13, 1 月 16 日 2008. 人工
- Consistent and Coherent Learning with delta-delay, Information and Computation, vol.206, issue 11, pp.1362-1374, 2008 (with Thomas Zeugmann)
- 整数結晶構造の学習理論(応用数理学会2007年度年会予稿)
- Cut-and-project sets and their epsilon-duals
(joint with S. Iizuka)
Journal Philosophical Magazine, Volume 87, Issue 18 - 21 July 2007 , pages 2847 - 2854